Лейн дэвис

Actor lane davis: biography, personal life. the best roles


Theater is not the only passion in life»Mason Capwell.» The actor with pleasure is engaged in carpentry, goes on fishing with friends and relatives and goes for a drive on skis. Reading from childhood is a favorite pastime of Lane, all of his favorite works are written by Shakespeare. To relax Davis like in a small house, located in the mountains of San Bernardino far from the city bustle.

At the moment, «the son of an oil tycoon» is already65 years old, but he continues to engage in theater with the same passion, acting as an actor, producer, director. Weekends the star prefers to spend in a narrow family circle.

Lane Davis: childhood

The future Mason was born in the Americanthe state of Georgia, there was a joyful event in 1950. Lane Davis belongs to the number of people for whom fate itself has prepared a creative career. The boy’s mother was an actress known in theatrical circles, his father worked as a radio host. All three sons of the couple Davis literally spent their childhood behind the scenes. Children often trusted the duties associated with the creation and installation of scenery.

Lane Davis early enough understood what he wantedto become an adult. As a schoolboy, the boy tried his hand at the theatrical stage thanks to a creative mug. The three-page monologue, declared by the future star, received an ovation of spectators. It’s no wonder that the talented guy decided to continue his education on the course of acting, stopping at one of the universities of Tennessee.

Life after «Santa Barbara»

The son of the billionaire Capwell remained the most famoushero, in the role of which was made by Lane Davis. Photo of an American in the image of Mason can be seen above. In 1989, he decided to part with the telenovela, which greatly upset her creators. The «Santa Barbara» screenwriters even sent Lane’s character to a long «vacation», bringing to the plot his trip to a long-term tour. But in the end, Capwell was played by another actor, impressed viewers significantly less.

Actor Lane Davis explained his desire to leaveTV project fatigue. After filming in Santa Barbara, he devoted some time to travel, then returned to work. Star created his own theater, in which he played many bright roles. He also agreed to participate in telenovelas and film projects.

His ability to play charming scoundrelsDavis confirmed, creating an image of Tempus in the series «The New Adventures of Superman.» Another notable role for him is a member of law enforcement Sommers in the television project «Russians in the City of Angels.» But for most fans, the actor remained «Mason», although he himself becomes irritated when he is called by this name.

Lane Davis: childhood

The future Mason was born in the Americanthe state of Georgia, there was a joyful event in 1950. Lane Davis belongs to the number of people for whom fate itself has prepared a creative career. The boy’s mother was an actress known in theatrical circles, his father worked as a radio host. All three sons of the couple Davis literally spent their childhood behind the scenes. Children often trusted the duties associated with the creation and installation of scenery.

Lane Davis early enough understood what he wantedto become an adult. As a schoolboy, the boy tried his hand at the theatrical stage thanks to a creative mug. The three-page monologue, declared by the future star, received an ovation of spectators. It’s no wonder that the talented guy decided to continue his education on the course of acting, stopping at one of the universities of Tennessee.

Личная жизнь

В отличие от своего главного киноперсонажа Мейсона Кепвелла, который по сюжету был любвеобилен, Лэйн оказался примерным семьянином. Это случилось, когда в его личной жизни появилась девушка по имени Холли Сванн. На протяжении девяти лет пара просто встречалась, Холли стала его женой только в 1989-м, в интервью актер рассказывал, что она покорила его своим чувством юмора. За годы брака женщина подарила мужу двоих детей, оба мальчики.

Из-за плотного графика работы и постоянных разъездов супругам не удалось сохранить отношения, и Лэйн развелся с женой. После этого он больше не женился.

Дэвис не зарегистрирован в «Инстаграме», поскольку предпочитает тратить свое время более продуктивно. Вместо него фан-страницы в Интернете с удовольствием ведут поклонники, публикующие фото, видеоролики и новости, посвященные Лэйну. Несмотря на солидный возраст, артист старается поддерживать себя в форме и при росте 188 см (вес неизвестен) имеет подтянутую фигуру.

Lane Davis: childhood

The future Mason was born in the Americanthe state of Georgia, there was a joyful event in 1950. Lane Davis belongs to the number of people for whom fate itself has prepared a creative career. The boy’s mother was an actress known in theatrical circles, his father worked as a radio host. All three sons of the couple Davis literally spent their childhood behind the scenes. Children often trusted the duties associated with the creation and installation of scenery.

Lane Davis early enough understood what he wantedto become an adult. As a schoolboy, the boy tried his hand at the theatrical stage thanks to a creative mug. The three-page monologue, declared by the future star, received an ovation of spectators. It’s no wonder that the talented guy decided to continue his education on the course of acting, stopping at one of the universities of Tennessee.

A family

Not only as a talented actor, but also as aa caring father was held by Lane Davis. The personal life of an American settled in 1989, when he married a girl named Holly. It is curious that before that young people met for 9 years. Davis claims that to abandon the bachelor habits and enter into a legal marriage decided, since Holly conquered him with his sense of humor. However, the real reason was the pregnancy of the bride.

В настоящий момент у Лэйна и Холли уже два сына. The actor gladly talks about his sons Nathan and Thatcher, calling children among their major life achievements, adores listening to their laughter.

Life after «Santa Barbara»

The son of the billionaire Capwell remained the most famoushero, in the role of which was made by Lane Davis. Photo of an American in the image of Mason can be seen above. In 1989, he decided to part with the telenovela, which greatly upset her creators. The «Santa Barbara» screenwriters even sent Lane’s character to a long «vacation», bringing to the plot his trip to a long-term tour. But in the end, Capwell was played by another actor, impressed viewers significantly less.

Actor Lane Davis explained his desire to leaveTV project fatigue. After filming in Santa Barbara, he devoted some time to travel, then returned to work. Star created his own theater, in which he played many bright roles. He also agreed to participate in telenovelas and film projects.

His ability to play charming scoundrelsDavis confirmed, creating an image of Tempus in the series «The New Adventures of Superman.» Another notable role for him is a member of law enforcement Sommers in the television project «Russians in the City of Angels.» But for most fans, the actor remained «Mason», although he himself becomes irritated when he is called by this name.

Life after «Santa Barbara»

The son of the billionaire Capwell remained the most famoushero, in the role of which was made by Lane Davis. Photo of an American in the image of Mason can be seen above. In 1989, he decided to part with the telenovela, which greatly upset her creators. The «Santa Barbara» screenwriters even sent Lane’s character to a long «vacation», bringing to the plot his trip to a long-term tour. But in the end, Capwell was played by another actor, impressed viewers significantly less.

Actor Lane Davis explained his desire to leaveTV project fatigue. After filming in Santa Barbara, he devoted some time to traveling, then returned to work. The star created its own theater, in which he played many bright roles. He also agreed to participate in telenovelas and film projects.

His ability to play charming bastardsDavis confirmed by creating an image of Tempus in the TV series «New Adventures of Superman.» His other notable role is the law enforcement officer Sommers in the TV show “Russians in the City of Angels”. But for most fans, the actor remains “Mason”, although he himself becomes annoyed when he is called by this name.

Starring role

Even in his student years, Lane Davis managed to declareabout himself as a theatrical actor. However, the world of movies and serials was also curious to the gifted youth. The first TV show, in which the future «son of an oil magnate» took part, was the series «Days of Our Life», which appeared on the screens in 1981. The first character played by the actor was a doctor with a difficult fate, closed and loving loneliness.

Nevertheless, it was not at all the doctor that Evan became a hero,thanks to which the beginning actor gradually began to speak the whole world. In 1984, Lane Hunt Davis received an offer to play Mason Capwell in the new Santa Barbara TV. His character was the son of a loving billionaire from his first wife. Mason has a complex character, fascinates the public with an excellent sense of humor, successfully sets up against the rest of the family members.

The actor starred in Santa Barbara for 5years, during this time the writers gave him two bright love stories, which made the audience «stick» to the screens. Mason met with two completely dissimilar women — a nun and a feminist.

Lane Davis: childhood

The future Mason was born in the Americanthe state of Georgia, there was a joyful event in 1950. Lane Davis belongs to the number of people for whom fate itself has prepared a creative career. The boy’s mother was an actress known in theatrical circles, his father worked as a radio host. All three sons of the couple Davis literally spent their childhood behind the scenes. Children often trusted the duties associated with the creation and installation of scenery.

Lane Davis early enough understood what he wantedto become an adult. As a schoolboy, the boy tried his hand at the theatrical stage thanks to a creative mug. The three-page monologue, declared by the future star, received an ovation of spectators. It’s no wonder that the talented guy decided to continue his education on the course of acting, stopping at one of the universities of Tennessee.

Как сложилась судьба исполнителя роли Мейсона из культового сериала «Санта-Барбара»: Лэйн Дэвис

Как сложилась судьба исполнителя роли Мейсона из культового сериала «Санта-Барбара»: Лэйн Дэвис

Обаятельный американский актёр и режиссёр, первым исполнивший роль Мейсона Кэпвелла в «Санта-Барбаре», сумел покорить сердца миллионов телезрительниц по всему миру. Он снимался в сериале в течение пяти лет, а после объявил о своём уходе, расстроив множество своих поклонников. Однако Лэйн Дэвис остался глух ко всем воззваниям и просьбам вернуться, обозначив своё решение как окончательное и бесповоротное.


Кажется, у Лэйна Дэвиса, при всём многообразии выбора, не было ни единого шанса освоить другую профессию. Разве мог мальчишка, выросший в творческой семье и с детских лет помогавший монтировать декорации в местном театре, где работала мама, не отравиться атмосферой закулисья и не захотеть стать частью этого мира?

Тем более, что талант у него на самом деле был. Однажды в школе он участвовал в спектакле и ему досталась роль с очень длинным монологом. Зал после этого аплодировал Лэйну стоя.

Он окончательно уверился в том, что нашёл своё призвание, и, получив среднее образование, поступил в Университет Теннеси на курс актёрского мастерства, который окончил с отличием. С этого самого момента началось плотное сотрудничество актёра с известными театральными труппами Америки.

Он играл в классических постановках и видел свою миссию в том, чтобы популяризировать произведения Уильяма Шекспира.

На телевидении Лэйн Дэвис дебютировал в роли Эвана Уайленда в сериале «Дни нашей жизни», потом принимал участие в съёмках ещё нескольких «мыльных опер», а настоящий успех его ждал после выхода на экраны «Санта-Барбары», где актёр появился в образе Мейсона Кэпвелла.

Его узнали и полюбили зрители во многих странах и на протяжении пяти лет неустанно следили за судьбой его героя. Потом актёр объявил о своём решении покинуть сериал, а по сюжету Мейсон Кэпвелл вышел из комы уже другим человеком, то есть эту роль теперь играл другой актёр. Правда, фанаты сериала до сих пор называют Лэйна Дэвиса лучшим Мэйсоном.

Взвешенное решение

В интервью того времени актёр открыто говорил о причинах своего ухода: ему перестало хватать времени на что бы то ни было, кроме сериала. Снимаясь в «Санта-Барбаре», он спал всего пару часов в сутки, а ежедневные трёхчасовые переезды от съёмочной площадки до театра окончательно вымотали Лэйна Дэвиса. Актёр заявил о своём полном физическом истощении и, вопреки уговорам продюсеров, отказался продолжать съёмки.

В том же 1989 году, когда Лэйн покинул сериал, он узаконил свои отношения с Холли Сванн, ждавшей от него ребёнка. Вскоре супруга осчастливила его появлением на свет сына Тэтчера Ли.

Несмотря на возникающие периодически слухи о том, что актёр после рождения второго сына Натана Гамильтона развёлся с женой, он и сегодня живёт вместе с ней в Джорджии.

Он продолжает сниматься в кино и сериалах, однако большая часть его профессиональной деятельности связана с театром и театральными шекспировскими фестивалями. Кроме того, Лэйн Дэвис, которому в этом году исполнится 72 года, стремится передать своё мастерство молодым актёрам.

Он занимается преподавательской деятельностью, выступает с лекциями и мастер-классами на разных уровнях, начиная со школ и заканчивая колледжами и университетами. И ему удалось, несмотря на годы, сохранить юношеский задор и трепетное отношение к профессии.

Свободное от работы время он посвящает уходу за собственным садом, рыбалке и очень любит плотничать. Но на это занятие у него обычно не хватает времени и сил, ведь, помимо основной работы в качестве актёра и режиссёра, он является ещё и вице-президентом Международной федерации фестивальных организаций (FIDOF), которая пропагандирует мир и дружбу через музыку и искусство.

По материалам — Отдохни

Star role

Even in his student years, Lane Davis managed to declare himself as a theater actor. However, the world of cinema and TV series was also curious to the gifted young man. The first TV project, in which the future «son of an oil magnate» took part, was the series «Days of Our Lives», which appeared on the screens in 1981. The first character played by the actor was a doctor with a difficult fate, withdrawn and loving loneliness.

lane davis photo

However, it was not the doctor Evan who became the hero, thanks to which the whole world gradually started talking about the novice actor. In 1984, Lane Hunt Davis received an offer to play Mason Capwell in the new telenovela Santa Barbara. His character was the offspring of a loving billionaire from his first wife. Mason has a complex character, captivates the audience with an excellent sense of humor, successfully turns the rest of the family against him.

The actor starred in «Santa Barbara» for 5 years, during which time the writers gave him two vivid love stories that made the audience «stick» to the screens. Mason dated two completely different women — a nun and a feminist.

Life after «Santa Barbara»

The son of the billionaire Capwell remained the most famoushero, in the role of which was made by Lane Davis. Photo of an American in the image of Mason can be seen above. In 1989, he decided to part with the telenovela, which greatly upset her creators. The «Santa Barbara» screenwriters even sent Lane’s character to a long «vacation», bringing to the plot his trip to a long-term tour. But in the end, Capwell was played by another actor, impressed viewers significantly less.

Actor Lane Davis explained his desire to leaveTV project fatigue. After filming in Santa Barbara, he devoted some time to travel, then returned to work. The star created his own theater, in which he played many bright roles. He also agreed to participate in telenovelas and film projects.

His ability to play charming scoundrelsDavis confirmed, creating an image of Tempus in the series «The New Adventures of Superman.» Another notable role for him is a member of law enforcement Sommers in the television project «Russians in the City of Angels.» But for most fans, the actor remained «Mason», although he himself becomes irritated when he is called by this name.


Родился в США, в городке Далтон, штат Джорджия, 31 июля 1950 года. Предки Лэйна, Билл и Эмили, были творческими людьми. Билл работал диктором на радио, Эмили игралась в театре. Вообщем же вся семья Дэвисов, включая 3-х братьев Лэйна, была связана с театром, и с малых лет Лэйн вертелся за кулисами и помогал готовить декорации для спектаклей. Вкус фуррора он ощутил, когда в средней школе ему достался в самодеятельном спектакле трехстраничный монолог и он прочитал его так, что публика устроила ему овацию. После школы Лэйн отчаливает обучаться в Муниципальный Институт Теннесси (Мэфрисборо, Теннесси) на курс сценической речи и актерского мастерства. Параллельно он играет в т. н. «театрах с ужином» — театрах, ставящих легкие пьесы либо мюзиклы и предлагающих, вместе с представлением, угощение в буфете. После окончания университета Лэйн снимается в кино, продолжает играть в театре и петь в мюзиклах. Более известным он становится после ролей на телевидении.

Лэйн увлекается плотничеством, любит проводить время в собственном маленьком домике в горах Сан-Бернардино, где катается на лыжах либо удит рыбу. В текущее время актер живет «между» родным штатом Джорджия и штатом Калифорния, признавая, что Лос-Анджелес на данный момент является центром мировой культуры. Самым дорогим подарком, который он получал (либо дарил…) в жизни, Лэйн именует собственных отпрыской, Тэтчера Ли и Нэйтана Хэмилтона, а хохот собственных деток он считает любимейшим в жизни звуком.

Сценические роли

На сцене Дэвис работал с такими компаниями, как Репертуарная труппа Trinity Square. Провиденс, Род-Айленд; Атланта театр «Альянс»; Хьюстон Театр «Аллея»; Театр Old Globe в Сан Диего; Шекспировский фестиваль в Джорджии; и театр «Глобус» в Лос-Анджелес, а также с двумя компаниями, которые он основал и соучредителем. Его классические работы включают Генрих V, Марк Энтони, Гамлет, Укрощение строптивой, Много шума из ничего, Два джентльмена из Вероны, Орландо, Сон в летнюю ночь, Ромео и Джульетта, Двенадцатая ночь, Макбет, и Ричард III, а также руководство несколькими постановками.

Некоторые из его более современных работ включают: Джона Бэрримора в «Я ненавижу Гамлета», Суини Тодда, Генри Хиггинса, Були в Вождение мисс Дейзи, Дэвид Крокетт в высоко оцененном Крокетт сам по себе, Тонкий в О мышах и людях и Уильям Десмонд Тейлор в возрождении Мак и Мэйбл, и 6 постановок «Человек из Ла-Манчи» в роли Сервантеса / Дон Кихота.

Дэвис также играл главную роль в таких пьесах, как Гамлет, Макбет, Укрощение строптивой и Сирано де Бержерак в Тад Тейлор Глобус Театр. Он снялся с Мэтью Фэйсон в возрождении Розенкранц и Гильденстерн мертвы к Том Стоппард, играя Розенкранца. Он поставил несколько постановок Сон в летнюю ночь. Дэвис стал соучредителем репертуарной компании Санта-Сусаны в Таузенд-Оукс, штат Калифорния, а также компании Kingsmen Shakespeare Company в сотрудничестве с Калифорнийский лютеранский университет. В 2004 году Шекспировская труппа Kingsmen была указана в книге как главный фестиваль. Шекспировские фестивали в мире Маркус Д. Грегио (редактор ). В 2007–2008 годах Дэвис основал Шекспировский фестиваль в Теннесси в Белл Бакл, штат Теннеси, как профессиональную летнюю компанию. Его первой постановкой был «Сон в летнюю ночь» Шекспира (один из любимых Дэвисом), действие которого происходило в Афинах, Джорджия, а не в Афинах, Греция. Сейчас Лейн участвует во многих постановках в Среднем Теннесси, в том числе в нескольких выступлениях с Репертуарным театром Теннесси в Нэшвилле.

Life after Santa Barbara

The son of billionaire Capwell remained the most famous hero, in the role of which he actedLane Davis. A photo of an American in the image of Mason can be seen above. In 1989, he decided to part with the telenovela, which greatly upset its creators. The writers of «Santa Barbara» even sent Lane’s character on an extended «vacation», introducing his trip on a long-term tour into the plot. But in the end, Capwell was played by another actor, who impressed the audience much less.

lane davis personal life

Actor Lane Davis explained his desire to leave the television project with fatigue. After filming in «Santa Barbara» he devoted some time to travel, then returned to work. The star created his own theater, in which he played many bright roles. He also agreed to participate in telenovelas and film projects.

Davis proved his ability to play charming bastards by creating the image of Tempus in the series The New Adventures of Superman. His other notable role is law enforcement officer Sommers in the television project Russians in the City of Angels. But for most fans, the actor remained «Mason», although he himself gets irritated when he is called by this name.


Theater is not the only passion in life»Mason Capwell.» The actor with pleasure is engaged in carpentry, goes on fishing with friends and relatives and goes for a drive on skis. Reading from childhood is a favorite pastime of Lane, all of his favorite works are written by Shakespeare. To relax Davis like in a small house, located in the mountains of San Bernardino far from the city bustle.

At the moment, «the son of an oil tycoon» is already65 years old, but he continues to engage in theater with the same passion, acting as an actor, producer, director. Weekends the star prefers to spend in a narrow family circle.

A family

Not only as a talented actor, but also ascaring father held lane davis. The personal life of an American settled back in 1989, when he married a girl named Holly. It is curious that before this young people met for 9 years. Davis says that he decided to abandon bachelor habits and enter into legal marriage, as Holly conquered him with her sense of humor. However, the real reason was the pregnancy of the bride.

Lane and Holly already have two sons at the moment. The actor is happy to talk about his sons Nathan and Thatcher, naming children among his own main life achievements, loves to listen to their laughter.

A family

Not only as a talented actor, but also as aa caring father was held by Lane Davis. The personal life of an American settled in 1989, when he married a girl named Holly. It is curious that before that young people met for 9 years. Davis claims that to abandon the bachelor habits and enter into a legal marriage decided, since Holly conquered him with his sense of humor. However, the real reason was the pregnancy of the bride.

At the moment, Lane and Holly already have two sons. The actor gladly talks about his sons Nathan and Thatcher, calling children among their major life achievements, adores listening to their laughter.

Starring role

Even in his student years, Lane Davis managed to declareabout himself as a theatrical actor. However, the world of movies and serials was also curious to the gifted youth. The first TV show, in which the future «son of an oil magnate» took part, was the series «Days of Our Life», which appeared on the screens in 1981. The first character played by the actor was a doctor with a difficult fate, closed and loving loneliness.

Nevertheless, it was not at all the doctor that Evan became a hero,thanks to which the beginning actor gradually began to speak the whole world. In 1984, Lane Hunt Davis received an offer to play Mason Capwell in the new Santa Barbara TV. His character was the son of a loving billionaire from his first wife. Mason has a complex character, fascinates the public with an excellent sense of humor, successfully sets up against the rest of the family members.

The actor starred in Santa Barbara for 5years, during this time the writers gave him two bright love stories, which made the audience «stick» to the screens. Mason met with two completely dissimilar women — a nun and a feminist.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: