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Шуг Найт в 2007 году (Russian)
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Marion Hugh Knight Jr. earned a reputation very early on in his career for being a ruthless business associate when he had his first big pay-day after getting royalties from Vanilla Ice’s “Ice Ice Baby” and other songs on his debut album. Mario Johnson, a client of Suge, worked with Vanilla Ice on the single, and he aimed to get his cut. This would be Suge Tupac’s very first industry success.
Unfortunately, 1996 would represent the last outstanding profitable year Death Row Records would have. In September of 1996, Tupac Shakur was infamously shot to death in a drive-by shooting while riding as a passenger in a vehicle driven by Knight. Shakur’s death happens in a brawl at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, and Knight found to be violating the terms of his parole. He was sentenced to five years in prison and Death Row Records severely suffered in his absence. Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg moved on to other career endeavors, and the label itself was generally mismanaged.
After his release in 2001, Knight did not avoid trouble for long. In 2003, he face various charges of assault and in 2005 he get shot in the leg at a pre-VMA party hosted by Kanye West. But this was the least of Knights’ problems because in 2006 he would face a crippling lawsuit that would completely strip him of his monetary worth. $200 thousand is the suge knight’s Net Worth at its peak.
In the very beginnings of founding Death Row Records, Suge Tupac borrowed upwards of $1 million from cocaine kingpin Michael Harris, who was serving a 28-year prison sentence. The money certainly helped Knight get his start, but it would also help solidify his demise. In 2005, Harris’ wife Lydia filed suit against Knight for her husband’s share of Death Row’s success and was awarded $107,000,000. And at that time the net worth of Suge Knight became high.
Shortly after the decision, Knight filed for bankruptcy and it was made public that not only could he not come up with this large sum of money, he only had $11 in his bank account, $4.4 million of assets, and $137,000,000 of debt. To end his legacy, he forced to auction off Death Row Records. It went for $24,000,000 to Global Music Group.
Snoop Dogg Death Row Suge Knight
Snoop Dogg was a prominent rapper sign to Death Row Records during the 1990s. He released his highly successful debut album “Doggystyle” under the label co-founded by Suge. Both Snoop Dogg and Knight were significant figures in the West Coast hip-hop scene and helped popularize gangsta rap. However, Knight’s criminal activities and involvement in the industry’s conflicts have overshadowed his career.
Where is Suge Knight now?
Suge Knight in 2015 | Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images
Though Suge Knight had a knack for recognizing talent, he was ruthless in his approach. Knight was imprisoned in the late ’90s for assault, parole, and probation violations. But the music mogul apparently didn’t learn from his time behind bars.
In 2015, Knight ran over businessman Terry Carter with his pickup truck. In the same incident, Knight also seriously injured a former Compton gang member, Cle Sloan, because he believed they were using his likeness in the movie Straight Outta Compton. Knight confronted the crew, and things escalated. Sloan attempted to assault Knight, but the Death Row Records exec crushed Sloan’s ankles with his truck before fatally mowing down Carter, who had tried to flee, NBC News reported.
In 2018, after several health complications delayed the ruling, a judge found Knight guilty of voluntary manslaughter and sentenced him to 28 years in prison. The first 22 years were for running over Carter, and the additional six years were because the crime was the former hip-hop exec’s third strike.
Suge Knight is serving his sentence at the Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility, a California state prison near San Diego, and will be eligible for parole in 2034.
Having done relatively well with the National football league, Suge acquired a job as a concert promoter and a security guard for celebrities like Bobby Brown. He formed his studio and a publishing house. The company excelled and made profits. The climax came when Vanilla Ice, also is known as Robert Winkle, agreed to pay for their song Ice Ice Baby.
Subsequently, Suge set an artist management business with the famous West coast hip-hop artists the D.O.C and D.J Quik. The D.O.C made a Suge encounter with members of a gangster rap group known as N.W.A.
During the encounters with N.W.A, Suge helped Dr. Dre and The D.O.C when they decided to leave the group label known as Ruthless Records under the manager Jerry Heller. After leaving, they co-founded Death Row Records in 1991 with Suge. At first, Suge seemed to meet his declaration by working with several other music companies for the group’s music and video distribution. In this regard, their solo debut album of 1993 by the name The Chronic put the group to platinum certification in the United States. This also promoted Dre’s debut album Doggystyle to gaining Platinum certification as well in the United States in 1994.
Suge’s friendship with Mc Hammers started in 1988. They began working together after shining of his 1994 album, The Funky Headhunter. The two and another friend of Hammers Tupac agreed to sign with Rous Records. They released several songs, including Too Late Player. The group reputation drew back because of thuggish crime, and the members decided to leave one by one. Some members of the group were murdered with Suge as the primary suspect.
Личная жизнь и неприятности с законом
В 1996 году Найта посадили в тюрьму на испытательный срок. В феврале 1997-го он был приговорён к девяти годам за нарушение. Освобождён 6 августа 2001 года.
В 2003 году его снова посадили в тюрьму за нарушение досрочно-условного освобождения, когда он ударил работника парковки. Доход Death Row быстро уменьшился из-за лишения свободы Найта. Ему удалось спасти себя от полного банкротства, выпуская заархивированные альбомы-компиляции Снуп Догга и посмертные альбомы Тупака. Несмотря на подписание новых артистов, Шуг так и не выпустил ни одного их альбома.
В 2006 году Найт был занят разборками с бывшим другом и экс-партнёром Снуп Доггом после того, как Снуп оскорбил его в Rolling Stone.
10 мая 2008 года Найт был избит возле ночного клуба в Голливуде из-за денежного спора. Его избивали в течение 3-х минут, Шуг был доставлен в больницу, и по сообщениям не сотрудничал с полицией.
27 августа 2008 года Найт был арестован за хранение наркотиков и обвинён в нападении при отягчающих обстоятельствах после посещения стрипклуба Лас Вегаса. Когда полиция прибыла на место, Найт бил свою подругу и размахивал ножом. В отчётах также утверждается, что он находился под воздействием экстази и гидрокодона. С 31 октября полиция и обвинители не могли связаться с Айзеком, и никакие формальные обвинения Найту не были предъявлены, а 5 декабря с Найта были сняты все обвинения. Поверенный Найта Дэвид Чеснофф, сказал, что у судебного преследования были «проблемы раскрытия и проблемы свидетеля». Обвинитель Сьюзен Бенедикт отказалась от комментариев. Когда Найта спросили о положительном вердикте, он ответил, что «Бог милостив! Счастливых праздников!».
Как часть требования банкротства, 30 октября 2008 года Шуг также подал иск против Канье Уэста и его партнёров. Судебный процесс касается стрельбы в августе 2005 года на вечеринке Уэста перед «Video Music Awards», где Найт получил огнестрельное ранение в бедро. Иск предъявлен за моральный и физический вред, вызванный стрельбой, больничные затраты, потерю дохода и кражу 15-каратовой (трёхграммовой) алмазной серёжки за 147 000 долларов.
В настоящее время не состоит в браке, у Найта пятеро детей — Тадж (21 год), Эрион (19 лет), Джейкоб (17 лет), Соса (10 лет) и Баилия (8 лет).[источник не указан 3434 дня]
В январе 2015 года Найт был арестован. Сообщается, что 29 января, в четверг, около трёх часов дня по местному времени он сбил на пикапе двоих человек. Один из них позже скончался в госпитале, второй выжил, но получил ранения. Убитым был Терри Картер, сооснователь Heavyweight Records и друг Найта, второй — Кле Слоан, режиссёр. Инцидент произошёл в Комптоне, Калифорния, рядом со съёмочной площадкой фильма «Голос улиц». По сообщениям свидетелей, они подъехали к ближайшей закусочной, где о чём-то спорили. В какой-то момент спор обострился и, как сообщает полиция, после этого Найт сел в пикап и сбил их. В пятницу утром Найт сам пришёл в один из полицейских участков Лос-Анджелеса, где и был задержан. Джеймс Блатт, адвокат Найта, сообщил, что Найт не имел намерений убивать кого-либо, он случайно сбил их, пытаясь убежать с места обострившегося конфликта.
21 сентября 2018 Шуг Найт был приговорен в сумме к 28 годам лишения свободы, сообщает «Associated Press». Бывший глава Death Row отказался оспаривать обвинение в убийстве, совершенного в состоянии аффекта, в результате чего получил 22 года тюремного срока. Дополнительные 6 лет Шуг получил из-за нарушенного «закона трёх ошибок», по которому суд имеет право приговорить человека к длительному тюремному сроку за три совершенных в прошлом преступления.
Who is @_ohsoyoujade on Instagram?
Tekashi 6ix9ine’s girlfriend Jade goes by the Instagram handle @_ohsoyoujade, where she posts racy selfies of herself as well as photos with her rapper boyfriend.
Jade often wears a long, rainbow-coloured wig in honour of 6ix9ine, who favours the bright colourway. While 6ix9ine was imprisoned, she posted photos of herself visiting him in jail and often shared throwback videos of the pair before his arrest.
Tekashi 6ix9ine’s girlfriend Jade gets rainbow-hair
Tekashi 6ix9ine’s girlfriend Jade — also known as ‘OhSoYouJade’ — visited the rapper while he was in jail.
A biopic about the notorious music mogul is in the works
In 2020, rumors swirled that Suge Knight had sold his life rights to reality TV star Ray J, but Knight refuted the claims. However, in 2021, Deadline reported that Knight was working with Steve Whitney, Anthony Thorne, and Nick Cassavetes to make a biopic about him to “tell the truth.”
It’s unknown how much Knight stands to gain from the deal, but it might help his fortune because it’s a shadow of what it once was. According to Celebrity Net Worth, he was worth $100 million in his heyday. However, with his legal troubles and poor financial management, Suge Knight’s net worth is only an estimated $200,000 today.
- The Murder of Biggie Smalls by Cathy Scott, St. Martin’s Press, 210 pages, 2000. ISBN 978-0-312-26620-2
- Murder Rap: The Untold Story of the Biggie Smalls & Tupac Shakur Murder Investigations by the Detective Who Solved Both Cases, Greg Kading, One Time Publishing, 2011. ISBN 0-9839554-8-4
- Have Gun Will Travel: The Spectacular Rise and Violent Fall of Death Row Records, Ronin Ro, Doubleday, 1998, 384 pages, ISBN 0-385-49134-4
- Labyrinth: Corruption and Vice in the L.A.P.D.: The truth behind the murders of Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls by Randall Sullivan, Atlantic Monthly Press, April 2, 2002, 384 pages, ISBN 0-87113-838-7
- Suge Knight: The Rise, Fall, and Rise of Death Row Records: The Story of Marion ‘Suge’ Knight, a Hard Hitting Study of One Man, One Company That Changed the Course of American Music Forever by Jake Brown, Amber Books, October 1, 2001, 218 pages, ISBN 0-9702224-7-5
- Biggie & Tupac. Dir. Nick Broomfield. Lafayette Films, 2002.
- Philips, Chuck. «Who Killed Tupac Shakur? How Vegas Police Probe Foundered.» Los Angeles Times. 7 Sept. 2002, p. 1.
- Raftery, Brian M. «A B.I.G. Mystery.» Entertainment Weekly. 27 Sept. 2002, p. 19.
- «Suge Knight Sentenced to 10 Months for Parole Violation.» 31 July 2003.
- Sullivan, Randall. LAbyrinth: A Detective Investigates the Murders of Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press. 2002.
- Welcome To Death Row. Dir. S. Leigh Savidge & Jeff Scheftel, 2001
Early Life
Suge Knight was born in 1965, 19th April. His birth name is Marion Hugh Knight Junior. He was born in Compton, California. His father’s name is Maxine, also known as Dikeman White. His mother is Marion Knight Senior. Suge was Hugh’s nickname in his childhood.
Suge went to Lynwood High School on the outskirts of Lynwood Town, where he played football. Suge graduated from the school in 1983. Hence he was enrolled at El Camino College, where he continued playing football up to 1985. He was then transferred to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where he also participated in a football game for two years.
After college life, Suge did not get the opportunity of being drafted by the National Football League but was invited by Rams in the training camp located in Los Angeles. He was not included for the first-round players but as a replacement.
Inside Suge Knight’s career and controversial relationship with Tupac Shakur
Marion Hugh “Suge” Knight Jr. had a brief football career after playing for El Camino College from 1983 to 1985. Following his short stint as an undrafted player in the NFL, he began working as a concert promoter and bodyguard for celebrities such as Bobby Brown.
In 1989, Knight started his own music publishing company, turning his first big profit when Vanilla Ice agreed to sign over his royalties from “Ice Ice Baby.” The agreement also came because it was alleged that one of Knight’s clients, Mario Johnson, had written the song. Knight went on to form a management company, signing artists such as the D.O.C. and DJ Quik.
Through the two, Knight met Dr. Dre, who partnered with him and the D.O.C. in forming Death Row Records. The label became successful after Dre’s solo album The Chronic went triple platinum.
Knight began feuding with Sean “Diddy” Combs in 1995 and openly criticized the fellow entrepreneur’s methods of appearing in his artists’ music videos. That same year, Knight bailed Tupac Shakur out of jail for a whopping $1.4 million on the condition that Shakur sign with Death Row.
Upon his release, Shakur went to the studio and began working on All Eyez on Me. The rapper achieved stardom while at Death Row, releasing hit albums such as The Don and Killuminati: The 7-Day Theory. However, a year after signing to the label, Shakur was shot dead in his car, which Knight was driving. Some of Shakur’s friends view the exec as the rapper’s downfall.
Освободившись из-под надзора, Шуг открыл собственное издательство, занимавшееся установлением прав артистов, и среди его первых клиентов был Доктор Дре из группы N.W.A. Для того чтобы избавить этого уже получившего известность рэпера от контракта с коллективом, а также звукозаписывающим лейблом Ruthless Records, Найт с коллегами воспользовался оружием, угрожая продюсеру и другим участникам.
В благодарность автор популярного альбома The Chronic стал соучредителем новой компании, которая была основана Найтом и прославилась под названием Death Row Records, и начал враждовать с конкурентами, в числе которых был Шон Комбс.
Стараясь переманить знаменитых исполнителей, сотрудничавших с другими американскими студиями, Шуг внес залог за арестованного Тупака взамен на право выпустить альбом. Впоследствии, добившись статуса первого афроамериканского промоутера и продюсера и заключив контракт со Снупом Догом и MC Hammer, владелец Death Row Records был назван рэперами заказчиком убийства легендарного Шакура, но фотографии, приложенные к расследованию, доказали, что это был не он.
Несмотря на беспочвенность обвинений, после выхода документального фильма, рассказывавшего историю жизни погибшего рэпера, музыканты начали покидать компанию Найта, и он приобрел статус банкрота.
Летом 2008 года продюсера, который открыл независимую фирму под названием Black Capital Records и занял пост генерального директора, арестовали за хранение запрещенных препаратов и нападение с применением холодного оружия. А спустя 7 лет Найт опять оказался за решеткой, потому что, управляя автомобилем, хотел лишить жизни двух человек.
По свидетельским показаниям выяснилось, что незадолго до произошедшей аварии афроамериканец ожесточенно спорил с пострадавшими, которыми были менеджер Терри Картер и режиссер Кле Слоан. В момент обострения конфликта Шуг быстро забрался в машину и разогнался по трассе с явным намерением убить.
Добровольно явившись в полицейский участок, Найт по-другому описал ситуацию и, не понимая, за что его посадили, 3 года провел в тюрьме. А в сентябре 2018 года за преднамеренное убийство и нарушение закона «трех ошибок» продюсер был приговорен к 28-летнему заключению с запретом контактов и посещений извне.
Tekashi 6ix9ine’s girlfriend Jade leaks explicit phone call with rapper from prison
Cardi was arrested and later indicted on 14 charges, including felony assault with intent to cause serious physical injury, and later pleaded not guilty on all charges.
In December 2019, Jade shared footage showing an alleged flirty message sent to her from Offset’s Instagram account, which both Cardi and Offset both denied and claimed were a result of his account being hacked.
Jade (right) and her sister Baddie Gi (left) were involved in a nightclub fight with Cardi B.
In Showtime’s new docuseries Supervillain: The Making of Tekashi 6ix9ine, Jade partakes in an interview where she reveals details of their relationship.
On Monday (Feb 22) Tekashi 6ix9ine was spotted with Jade in a snap she uploaded to instagram.
The social media sensation was sporting a multi coloured two piece in the selfie video. Fans pointed out that Tekashi 6ix9ine was beside her in the video, as there is a quick glimpse of the rapper’s tattoos.
Мэрион Хью Найт-младший родился в Комптоне, Калифорния. Его прозвище «Suge» (Сахарок), появилось ещё в детстве, когда его звали «Sugar Bear» (Сахарный медведь). Учился в средней школе Линвуд, где был звездой команд по американскому футболу и бегу. Состоял в банде Mob Piru. В 1983 году окончил школу. С 1983 по 1985 годы был на футбольной стипендии колледжа Эль Камино. В 1985 году перешёл в Университет Невады, Лас-Вегас и играл там в течение двух лет.
После колледжа Найт не был выбран командами НФЛ, но был выбран во время тренировочного лагеря «Лос-Анджелес Рэмс». В итоге Найт провёл за «Рэмс» два матча в сезоне 1987 года. Позже, он нашёл работу концертного промоутера и телохранителя многих знаменитостей, включая Бобби Брауна.
Найт был арестован в октябре 1987 года за домашнее насилие — он напал на свою подругу. В том же году Шуга арестовали в хэллоуиновскую ночь в Лас-Вегасе за угон автомобиля, незаконное ношение оружия и покушение на убийство. Он предположительно стрелял в человека три раза, в момент угона его автомобиля. Найт признал себя виновным и получил два года испытательного срока.
Два года спустя Найт основал своё собственное музыкальное издательство. Свою первую большую прибыль в музыкальном бизнесе он получил, когда Vanilla Ice (Роберт ван Винкл) согласился передать лицензионные платежи от хита «Ice Ice Baby», за то что песня включала материал, написанный клиентом Найта Марио Джонсоном. Найт и его телохранители несколько раз нападали на ван Винкла. В одном случае Найт вошёл в гостиничный номер ван Винкла и, предположительно, свесил его вверх ногами с балкона. Ван Винкл сказал, что Найт угрожал сбросить его с балкона.
Позже Найт сформировал компанию, управляющую правами артистов и подписал известных хип-хоп артистов Западного побережья DJ Quik и The D.O.C. Так же он познакомился с несколькими членами гангста-рэп группы N.W.A.
Favorite Quotes from Suge Knight
“When you’re dealing with TV and with movies, people don’t take it as seriously as they do with music. If a rapper does a song about shooting people on the block and goes into a restaurant or grocery store, people grab their purses because they’re afraid the person is violent. With TV and movies, people know it’s okay, it’s just a script.” – Suge Knight
“As far as anybody in the rap game ever trying to assassinate my character, that’s impossible. You talking about a man who has always walked the walk and talked the talk.” – Suge Knight
“Coming from prison, you’re more appreciative. Somebody gives you a bottle of water, you’re like, “Thank you.” Because that water means something. It might not be too good. It might not even be drinkable, but you know, you gotta do what you gotta do.” – Suge Knight
“As far as anybody in the rap game ever tryin’ to assassinate my character, that’s impossible. You talkin’ about a man who has always walked the walk and talked the talk.” – Suge Knight
“I’m in prison. But my heart and mind are free. Gangsta haters on the streets are doing more time than me. They need 30 police escorts with them every time they walk down the street.” – Suge Knight
“I’m passionate about everything, like my family and friends. Anybody I am talkin’ to is gonna be bona fide real. There is no substitution for happiness. Period. As far as anybody in the rap game ever trying to assassinate my character, that’s impossible.” – Suge Knight
When did Jade start dating Tekashi 6ix9ine?
In that same letter, Jade revealed that she met 6ix9ine just a few weeks before he was indicted on numerous federal charges of racketeering in relation to his ties with New York gang TreyWay, or the Nine Trey Gangsters.
«When I met Daniel Hernandez. he was nothing like how the internet portrayed him to be. He was the total opposite. He was exceptionally respectful, outgoing, very sweet, kind hearted and a genuine generous person.»
«Yes, we knew each other for a few weeks before his indictment but I decided to stick by his side not because I felt I needed to but that he needed someone he can trust in his corner. Throughout the first few months while Daniel was incarcerated.»
Suge Knight Net Worth – How Much Is Suge Knight Worth?
Do you want to know what is Suge net worth? how rich was suge? Knight’s real success would come with the founding of Death Row Records with former N.W.A member, Dr. Dre, and release his album “The Chronic” in 1992. The Chronic would go on to be a triple-platinum album. The label would later host such talents as Snoop Dogg and Tupac Shakur. In 1996, the label generated more than $100,000,000 annually. So the estimated Suge Knight Net Worth in 1996 is not revealed exact net worth.
He faced legal financial wrangles in 2008 and sold his Malibu mansion and other assets to clear the debt he was bankrupt at that time. The Suge Knight Net Worth 2020 is $200 thousand. The Estimated Suge Knight Net Worth 2021 is $200 thousand. Now, the roughly estimated Suge Knight Net Worth 2022 and 2023 is the same as in previous years.
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- Suge Knight gets knocked out May 21st 2008 09:24. . (21 мая 2008). Дата обращения: 22 августа 2012.
- . RIAA (18 марта 1993). Дата обращения: 12 февраля 2010.
- Rollin’ Wich Dre: The Unauthorized Account: An Insider’s Tale of the Rise, Fall, and Rebirf of West Coast Hip Hop (Williams/Alexander, 2008) ISBN 0-345-49822-4
- . (июнь 1997). Дата обращения: 20 марта 2009.
- . MTV. Дата обращения: 16 января 2014.
- . MTV. Дата обращения: 16 января 2014.
- . Дата обращения: 10 мая 2011.
- Burgess, Omar (недоступная ссылка). HipHop DX (18 марта 2009). Дата обращения: 10 мая 2011.
- . (июнь 1997). Дата обращения: 20 марта 2009.
- . (март 2009).
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- Cook, John (недоступная ссылка). Reference tone (июнь 2005). Дата обращения: 16 января 2014.
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- ↑ Murder Rap: The Untold Story of the Biggie Smalls & Tupac Shakur Murder Investigations by the Detective Who Solved Both Cases, Greg Kading, One Time Publishing, 2011. ISBN 0-9839554-8-4 Retrieved January 8, 2012.
- . The Orange County Register. Дата обращения: 22 августа 2012.
- By Lenny_V. . (31 октября 2008). Дата обращения: 12 февраля 2010.
- By MTV News staff report. . (28 августа 2005). Дата обращения: 12 февраля 2010.
- 6:46 p.m. ET. . MSNBC (30 августа 2005). Дата обращения: 12 февраля 2010.
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- . Дата обращения: 15 февраля 2020.
Net Worth & Salary of Suge Knight in 2024
Suge Knight Net Worth
As of June 2024, Suge Knight has a net worth estimated of $500 thousand. He has amassed his wealth through his music executive duties, where he had received a lot. Knight has also been a footballer, and that was also a wealth gathering event. Suge Knight has also been in Music Production Company, where he was a shareholder as well as in the artist entertainment establishment. These responsibilities, in addition to his music career, have done a lot in relation to his net worth.
Suge Knight Career at first seemed to be his source of wealth and, in fact, helped him, but as he went on, the going got tough and was involved in several suits relating to serious crimes and to mention the worst offense in the world. That is the murder crime where one loses his esteem after being referred to as part of it.
29 facts you need to know about ‘GOOBA’ rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine
Since then, Jade has loyally stuck by the ‘GOOBA’ rapper’s side, even getting his face tattooed on her chest. In August 2020, she even announced she was pregnant with the rapper’s baby.
This week, 6ix9ine gave Jade a heartfelt shoutout on his Instagram page. «You was there when nobody wasn’t,» he wrote alongside a photograph of Jade visiting him during his stint in jail.
«You stuck by me at my lowest. For the people who think any different I do love you and for ever will! You are my world!! .» But who really is Jade? Here’s everything we know.
«You stuck by me at my lowest. For the people who think any different I do love you and for ever will! You are my world!!» he wrote.
Jade, who goes by @_ohsoyoujade on Instagram, is dating Tekashi 6ix9ine and was involved in a stripclub brawl with Cardi B.