Lily Newmark’s Early Life and Education
Lily Newmark was born on May 24, 1994, in London to father Brooks Newmark, a former Conservative MP, and mother Lucy Keegan, an artist and musician. She moved with her family from Camberwell in south London to central London at age 12. In an interview, Lily stated that she preferred living in south London and disliked attending the elite all-girls Francis Holland School in Sloane Square, feeling it was a privileged bubble.
Image: Lily’s Childhood (Source: Lily’s Instagram)
After attending Francis Holland School, Lily studied drama at East 15 Acting School. She graduated in 2016 (2013 – 2016) with a Bachelor’s of Arts focused on Acting and Contemporary Theatre.
Lily Newmark Plays Pym in the Netflix Series Cursed
Cursed is a new Netflix series based on the Arthurian legend’s characters, but with a graphic novel twist. The show is based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller and Tom Wheeler, and according to early materials released by Netflix, the show is a coming of age drama focused on the heroine of the Arthurian legend and not Arthur who is predominantly featured in texts and on fictional media over the past decades.
The new Netflix series follows the exploits of Nimue, the destined Lady of the Lake, who takes on the mantel of rebellion when King Uther and the Red Paladins crackdown on magic and magical power wielders. In-turn, Arthur is made into a mercenary trying to find Merlin but stumbles across Nimue and her rebellion. During the darkest of times, Nimue becomes the symbol of courage and rebellion while she battles the world’s evils alongside Arthur.
Lily Newmark plays Pym in the Netflix series Cursed.Source: Lily Newmark Instagram
Lily Newmark plays Pym in the Netflix series Cursed. She is a normal girl who is displaced by the Red Paladin fighters and becomes friends with Nimue. Pym and Nimue hide and run from the Paladins together, and when the time comes, they join in fighting for their land and their people. In the promotional materials released to this point, Pym is shown as a scared girl displaced from her home, but the actress mentioned that the show is about women’s power, so expect Pym to kick some red cape butts.
Netflix is releasing the new fantasy series on 17 July 2020. Cursed cast members include Katherine Langford as Nimue, Devon Terrell as Arthur, Gustaf Skarsgard as Merlin, Peter Mullan as Father Carden, Lily Newmark as Pym, Shalom Brune-Franklin as Morgan le Fay, Daniel Sharman as The Weeping Monk, with Sebastian Armesto and Emily Coates also appearing.
Личная жизнь и близкие
О личной жизни Лили Ньюмарк известно немного. Она никогда не была замужем и не имела детей. Но у нее были близкие друзья и семья, которые поддерживали ее.
Лили родилась в еврейской семье. У нее был отец и мать, а также несколько братьев и сестер. Она выросла в любящей семье, где ее поощряли заниматься искусством и самовыражением.
У Лили было много друзей. Она была общительным человеком, который легко находил общий язык с людьми. Среди ее друзей были художники, писатели, музыканты и актеры.
Ее близким другом был художник Альфред Штиглиц. Он был одним из основателей современного американского искусства и помог продвинуть работы Лили.
Отношения с коллегами и семьей
К сожалению, никакой достоверной информации об отношениях Лили Ньюмарк с коллегами не сохранилось. Что касается ее семьи, то она была замужем дважды. Первый раз за Уильямом Генри Принцем, с которым позже развелась. Второй раз вышла замуж за Чарльза Уилсона. У нее было двое детей от первого брака: дочь Дороти и сын Уильям.
Лили была близка со своими детьми. Дороти пошла по стопам матери и стала актрисой. Уильям же стал бизнесменом. Лили всегда была на связи со своими детьми и поддерживала их во всех начинаниях.
Lily Newmark Career
Newmark began her career by appearing in amateur independent films and in music videos for artists, including DISCIPLES, Rejjie Snow and Real Lies. She was scouted by First Model Management and worked professionally as a fashion model for several years.
As a model, her work included campaigns for Zandra Rhodes and Chanel; and editorials for Vice Magazine and Wonderland Magazine. In her final year at drama school, Newmark was cast in a small recurring role in the NBC television series Emerald City.
She was then cast in the leading role of Iona in the British independent film Pin Cushion, for which she was nominated for Most Promising Newcomer at the British Independent Film Awards.
She went on to play supporting roles in various film and television productions including Juliet, Naked (2018), Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018), Les Misérables (2019), Born a King (2019), Balance, Not Symmetry (2019), Sex Education (2019–2020), Cursed (2020), Misbehaviour (2020), and Temple (2019).
Lily Newmark Parents and Siblings
Lily Newmark was born to father Brooks Phillip Victor Newmark (b. May 8, 1958) and mother Lucy Keegan. Brooks Newmark is a British Conservative politician and former Member of Parliament, born in the United States to Jewish parents Howard Newmark and Gilda Gourlay. Lucy Keegan is an artist and musician.
Sir John Desmond Patrick Keegan and Susanne Keegan Lily’s maternal grandfather was renowned English military historian and author Sir John Desmond Patrick Keegan OBE. Her grandmother Susanne Keegan is a writer focused on 19th century history and the colonial slave trade.
Lily has said this of her parents:
Image: Lily Newmark and her siblings in California in 1994 (Source: Lily’s Instagram)
Lily currently lives in Victoria, London with her mother Lucy, and her sausage dog puppy named Wilfred. She walks daily in Battersea Park.
Aunt and Uncle Lily’s maternal aunt’s mother’s sister is actress Rose Keegan. Her mother’s brother is Matthew Keegan.
Lily has three older brothers named Sam, Zachary, and Benjamin Newmark, as well as one younger brother named Max Newmark.
Also Read: Meet Actress Alison Rich’s Parents and Her Three Siblings Brother
Her oldest brother works in genetics research in New York, her second oldest is a musician and lawyer in LA focused on pharmaceutical marijuana, her third oldest is a wildlife photographer, and her youngest brother studies creative writing at the University of East Anglia. She remembers frequently playing dress-up with her brothers growing up.
Lily Newmark’s Relationship Detail
Lily Newmark is currently concentrating on her acting profession to establish herself as a well-known figure in the industry. Aside from that, she is achieving her goals through her professional endeavors. As a result, it appears that she is not hunting for her ideal match because she is a career-driven lady. Lily captivates the world with her stunning wide brown eyes.
Lily Newmark is currently single and not dating anyone. Source: Pinterest
The actress has a great deal of compassion and affection for animals, and she frequently raises her finger when rare and endangered species are hunted or poached. Wilfred, a Dachshund breed, is her pet dog at the moment. A Dachshund’s current pricing ranges from $3,000 in the lower percentile to $3,500 in the upper percentile. Nonetheless, the cost of these dog breed puppies ranges from $3,200 to $3,800.
Lily Newmark was Awarded for Her Starring Role in Pin Cushion
Lily Newmark was awarded and lauded for her performance in her debut movie Pin Cushion.Source: Lily Newmark Instagram
Lily Newmark started her career as a performer on music videos and short movies. She was involved in stage plays during her school days, but the actress formally started her acting career with a role in the movie Pin Cushion. The film was released in 2017, and it made rounds at the film festival circuit, garnering praise and award consideration for the debuting actress and director.
The high school psychological drama movie was a success in the United Kingdom, with Lily Newmark getting awarded as the best newcomer. Lily said the project was perfect for her and hit close to home because she was also a loner during her high school days, just like her character Iona. Lily said it was an amazing experience working on the movie and allowed her to experiment with different roles over the next three years.
From 2018 she appeared in Juliet, Naked, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Les Miserables, Temple, and Sex Education. She boasts a bizarre list of roles, which shows the range of Lily as an actress and her boldness in choosing projects. When asked about her process behind choosing projects, Lily said she is a “Yes” person; she is not closed to trying out new experiences.
Frequently Asked Questions About Lily Newmark
Who is Lily?
Newmark-born Lily Inge Newmark is an actress and former model. She is best known for her roles in the film Pin Cushion (2017), the Netflix series Sex Education (2019–2020) and Cursed (2020), and the Sky One series Temple (2019–).
How old is Newmark?
Inge Newmark is 28 years old as of 2022. She was born on May 24th,1994 in Camberwell, London, England. She also celebrates her birthday on May 24th every year. Moreover, her birth sign is Gemini.
How tall is Lily?
Lily stands at an average standing height. She stands at a height of 5 feet 5 inches tall which is equivalent to 1.65 meters tall. She also weighs 54 kilograms which is equivalent to 119 lbs.
Is Newmark married?
Details about Lily’s love life are still under review. We will let you know when he gets into a relationship or when we discover helpful information about his love life.
How much is Lily worth?
Lily has an estimated net worth of $2 million dollars as of 2022. This includes her assets, money, and income. Her primary source of income is her career as an actress. Through her various sources of income, Newmark has been able to accumulate good fortune but prefers to lead a modest lifestyle.
How much does Newmark make?
Details about Newmark’s salary are not yet disclosed. However, information about how much she makes will be updated as soon as it is available.
Where does Lily live?
Because of security reasons, Lily has not shared her precise location of residence. We will update this information if we get the location and images of her house.
Is Newmark dead or alive?
Newmark is alive and in good health. There have been no reports of her being sick or having any health-related issues.
Lily Newmark’s Acting Career
Lily Newmark began her career as a model, appearing in a number of high-profile magazines such as Fabric and Vogue.
In 2017, Lily made her professional acting debut as the lead character Iona in the film “Pin Cushion” alongside acclaimed actress Joanna Scanlan.
Following her debut, Lily took on roles in several additional films in 2018, including “Welcome to Mercy,” “Juliet, Nak*d,” “Dagenham,” and “Nosebleed.”
Lily’s breakthrough TV role came in 2019 as Ruthie in the widely popular Netflix series “S*x Education.” That same year, she also starred as Eve Milton in the Sky One series “Temple,” airing in September 2019.
Additional highlight roles for Lily include playing Jane in the 2020 comedy-drama film “Misbehaviour” and currently starring as the character Pym in the Netflix fantasy series “Cursed” alongside actress Katherine Langford.
In 2021, Lily was featured in the TV series “Dalgliesh,” the mini-series “Temple,” and “A Brixton Tale.”
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Then in 2023, she was featured in the mini-series “You & Me” as well as the series “Lockwood & Co.”
Lily has upcoming roles lined up as well, including an appearance in the TV series “A Place of Safety.” She continues to take on compelling, complex leading roles across TV and film.
Мисс Плохое поведение (2020) (Misbehaviour)
Зарубежный фильм, Исторический, Комедия, драма
tagHD 1080, tagHD 720, tagЭкранизация
Экранизация по произведению: Ребекка Фрайн
Режиссер: Филиппа Лоуторп
В ролях: Кира Найтли, Гугу Эмбата-Ро, Джесси Бакли
В 1970-е годы в Англии разворачивалась эпоха сексуальной революции. Люди искали новые смыслы, жаждали обрести свободу, которой они прежде не знали. И одним из проявлений этой новой свободы стали показы мод, когда роскошные девушки выходили на подиум в откровенных нарядах, а со всех сторон их тела озаряли вспышки фотоаппаратов. «Мисс Мира» сенсационно становится темнокожая модель, что и представить было невозможно. И в самый разгар этого торжества свободы и красоты в Альберт-холле, появляется несколько феминисток. Во что бы то ни стало, они намерены не дать состояться конкурсу. Заявляя, что это шоу оскорбляет женщин, они хотели сорвать конкурс.
Хан Соло: Звездные войны. Истории (2018) (Han Solo: A Star Wars Story)
Боевик, Зарубежный фильм, Приключения, Фантастика, Фэнтези
tagHD 2160р, tagHD 1080, tagHD 720, tag3D, tagПро космос
Режиссер: Рон Ховард
В ролях: Олден Эренрайк, Йонас Суотамо, Вуди Харрельсон
С малого возраста знаменитый пилот-контрабандист Хан вертелся в криминальных кругах. Естественно, это наложило свой отпечаток на его дальнейшую судьбу. В итоге хан стал матёрым бандитом и при этом обладал отличными навыками пилота. Он часто это использовал, когда ему нужно было оторваться от погони. Он неоднократно попадал в разные опасные и не очень ситуации, но всегда умело из них выпутывался. На жизненном пути Хана появлялось множество людей, какие-то доставляли ему неприятности, с какими-то он сдружился и стал вместе с ними путешествовать. Однажды в его жизни произошло одно событие, которое навсегда перевернуло жизнь отчаянного пилота.
Lily Newmark Bio
Personal information |
Full Name |
Lily Newmark |
Stage Name |
Lily Newmark |
Nick Name |
Lily |
Nationality |
British-American |
Gender |
Female |
Ethnicity |
White |
Birth Date |
24th May |
Age |
27 |
Birth Place |
London, England, United Kingdom |
Hometown |
London |
Citizenship |
England |
Nationality |
British-American |
Zodiac Sign |
Gemini |
Education |
Graduate (BA in Acting and Contemporary Theatre) |
Language(s) |
English |
Religion |
Christianity |
Eating Habit |
Non-Vegetarian |
Family, Relatives and Friends |
Father |
Brooks Phillip Victor Newmark (Conservative Politician) |
Mother |
Lucy Keegan |
Brother (s) |
Max Newmark, Sam, Zachary and Benjamin |
Relatives |
Rose Keegan (maternal aunt and actress) |
Education and Qualification |
School |
Francis Holland School in Sloane Square |
Educational Qualification |
Graduate |
College / University |
East 15 Acting School in Loughton, Essex |
Physical Statistics |
Trademark |
Big eyes, fuller lips, red hair |
Height |
5 ft 5 inches |
Height (m) |
1.65 m |
Height (cm) |
165 cm |
Hair color |
Red |
Eye Color |
Hazel |
Weight (in lbs) |
119 lbs |
Weight (in kg) |
54 kg |
Body Measurements |
30-26-32 inches |
Husband, Partner and Affairs |
Marital Status |
Unmarried |
Spouse / Husband |
Not Available |
Partner / Boyfriend |
Not Available |
Children |
Not Available |
Career |
Occupation |
Model, Actress, Former Fashion Designer |
Years Active |
2017-Present |
Net Worth of Lily |
Net Worth |
$3M (estimated) |
Salary |
$50,000 to $60,000 (estimated) |
Lily’s Favourites |
Favorite colour |
Red |
Favourite actor |
Jay Pharoah |
Favourite actress |
Keira Knightley |
Hobbies |
Shopping, travel, painting and other form of arts |
Favourite food |
Italian |
Favourite Movie |
Nosebleed (2018) |
Lily Newmark TV Serials
Emerald City |
Ryenne (4 episodes) | 2017 |
Shortflix | Coby |
2018 |
Les Misérables |
Sophie (1 episode) | 2019 |
Temple | Eve Milton (6 episodes) |
2019 |
Sex Education |
Ruthie (3 episodes) | 2019-2020 |
Cursed | Pym (9 episodes) |
2020 |
Quotes by Lily
1. I’m such a massive fan of fashion. I wouldn’t say modeling has hindered my career, but people don’t understand or know that I’ve always been an actor. I’m not a slash. I’m a full-on actor.
2. I want to obliterate the ‘model-turned-actor’ term. That’s not in an arrogant way, it’s just that it took a lot for me to train at drama school.
Most common search terms for Lily Newmark on Google and Bing
Most search term for her is the following, prefixing with her name.
- Latest news
2. Age
3 Marriage
4. Wiki
5. Lover
6. Photos
7. Musically
8. Tiktok
9. Height
10. Facebook
11. House
12. Instagram
13. Salary
14. Income
15. Bio
16. Family
Let us look at some of the few questions people ask about Lily Newmark.
1. Does Lily Newmark like animals?
She likes animals.
2. Does Lily Newmark have a pet?
Lily has a pet dog named “Mutter”.
3. How old is Lily Newmark?
This actress turned 27 years old on 24th May 2021.
4. Who are Lily Newmark Parents?
Her father is a prominent Brooks Phillip Victor Newmark British politician and her mother a musician.
Lily Newmark is a good actress and gave few hits in her acting career. In addition to it, her unique looks has made her stand out in the industry among other models.
Расцвет карьеры
С началом 1980-х годов карьера Лили Ньюмарк пошла в гору.Ей удалось получить роли в нескольких популярных фильмах и сериалах.В 1983 году она сыграла Рут Вайсман в ситкоме “Веселая компания” (Cheers).Эта роль принесла ей ошеломительный успех и всемирную известность.За работу в “Веселой компании” Ньюмарк была дважды номинирована на премию “Эмми” (Emmy Awards).Кроме того, в этот период она снялась в таких фильмах, как “Гольф-клуб” (1980), “Флетч” (1985) и “Магазинчик ужасов” (1986).Участие в этих проектах укрепило позиции Лили Ньюмарк в киноиндустрии и сделало ее одной из самых востребованных актрис своего времени.
Успех в кино и на телевидении
Лили Ньюмарк завоевала популярность благодаря таланту, упорству и харизме. За годы своей карьеры она успела сняться во многих фильмах и телесериалах, которые принесли ей признание зрителей и критиков.
Одним из ранних успехов Ньюмарк стала роль в фильме «Кэт Бэллоу» (1965)
Ее яркая игра в этой вестерн-комедии привлекла к ней внимание кинематографической общественности. После этого Ньюмарк получила ряд ролей в телесериалах, включая «Беглец», «Менникс» и «Улицы Сан-Франциско»
Поворотным моментом в карьере актрисы стала роль в культовом научно-фантастическом сериале «Звездный путь: Оригинальный сериал» (1966-1969). Ньюмарк сыграла лейтенанта Нийоту Ухуру, одного из ключевых персонажей сериала. Ее героиня стала символом прогресса и представительства афроамериканцев на экране.
Роль в «Звездном пути» открыла перед Ньюмарк новые горизонты. Она снялась во многих других научно-фантастических и фэнтезийных фильмах, включая «Битва за планету обезьян» (1973), «Омен 3: Последний конфликт» (1981) и «Звездный путь II: Гнев Хана» (1982). Также Ньюмарк активно занималась озвучиванием мультфильмов и видеоигр, в том числе таких проектов, как «Мстители: Величайшие герои Земли» (2010-2012) и «Lego Dimensions» (2015).
Помимо карьеры в кино и на телевидении, Лили Ньюмарк также была активна в театральных постановках. В 1970 году она сыграла в бродвейском мюзикле «Госпожа Коулман», за что была номинирована на премию «Тони». Также актриса участвовала в различных благотворительных и общественных проектах, направленных на поддержку прав женщин и меньшинств.
Лили Ньюмарк является одной из самых успешных и уважаемых актрис в истории кинематографа. Ее талант, харизма и приверженность социальным вопросам сделали ее примером для подражания для многих поколений актеров и зрителей. Наравне с такими звездами, как Владимир юматов, она внесла значительный вклад в развитие киноискусства и популяризацию афроамериканской культуры на экране.
Знаковые работы и сотрудничество с именитыми режиссерами
Лили Ньюмарк сыграла множество выдающихся ролей, которые стали ее визитной карточкой. Она сотрудничала с известнейшими режиссерами, которые высоко ценили ее талант. Ее игра отличалась глубиной, эмоциональностью и поразительной правдоподобностью.
Одним из самых знаковых проектов Лили Ньюмарк стала роль в фильме “Небеса могут подождать” режиссера Уоррена Битти. За эту работу она была номинирована на премию “Оскар” как лучшая актриса второго плана. А сам фильм имел огромный кассовый успех и полюбился зрителям.
Lily Newmark Biography
She is well-known in the country for her role in both TV series and films. She works as a fashion designer before becoming an actress. Yet after she entered the entertainment world, she’d focused on writing.
Lily Newmark
Lily works as a model for several famous magazine brands including Fabric and Vogue. Newmark gained fame after her amazing role as Ruthie in the “Sex Education” web television show. Not only this, but Lily is also known for her appearance as a Pym in the “Cursed” 2020 series of Netflix Original series. In her debut film, entitled “Pin Cushion,”
Lily Newmark
She began her career in the field of acting in 2017 and played Iona alongside the famous player “Joanna Scanlan,” leading the part.
Lily Newmark
Besides that, she has written for other films and shows, such as Harmony, Not Symmetry, Juliet, Naked, Nosebleed, Temple, etc. She appeared in 2020 as Jane in “Misbehaviour,” a dramatic historical film.
Lily Newmark
Biography of Lily Newmark
Lily Newmark Wiki & Biography | |
Real Name | Lily Newmark |
Nickname | Lily |
Profession | Actress, Model |
Age | 29 years (2023) |
Date of Birth | 24 May 1994 |
Birthplace | London, England, United Kingdom. |
Nationality | British-American |
Ethnicity | White |
Religion | Christianity |
Height, Weight & Body Measurements | |
Height in Centimeters | 165 cm |
Height in meters | 1.65 m |
Height in Inches | 5 feet 5 inches |
Weight in Kilograms | 54 Kg |
Weight in Pounds | 119 lbs |
Body Measurements | 30-26-32 |
Bra Size | 29C |
Waist Size | 26 |
Hip Size | 32 |
Eye Color | Hazel |
Hair Color | Red |
Family and Relatives | |
Father | Brooks Phillip Victor Newmark |
Mother | Lucy Keegan |
Brother | Benjamin, Zachary, Sam, Max Newmark |
Sister | Will update |
Affairs, Girlfriends, and Marital Status | |
Marital Status | Unmarried |
Boyfriend | Will update |
Husband/ Spouse | Will update |
Son | Will update |
Daughter | Will update |
Education and School, College | |
Educational Qualification | Graduation |
School | Local Private School |
College/ University | East 15 Acting School in Loughton, Essex |
Favorites Things and Like & Dislike | |
Favorite Actor | Jay Pharoah |
Favorite Actress | Keira Knightley |
Favorite Color | Red |
Favorite Food | Italian |
Favorite Movie | Nosebleed 2018 |
Hobbies | Shopping |
Money Factor | |
Net Worth | 3$ Million |
Salary | Will update |
Contact Address | |
House Address | Will update |
Phone Number | Will update |
Email Id | Will update |
Website | Will update |
Social Media | | | |
Wikipedia | |
IMDB | |
Lily Newmark
Her Movies:
Pin Cushion (2017).
Welcome to Mercy (2018).
Juliet, Naked (2018).
Dagenham (2018).
Nosebleed (2018).
How to Fake a War (2019).
Balance, Not Symmetry (2019).
Misbehavior (2020).
Lily Newmark
Her TV Series:
Temple (2019).
Sex Education (2019).
Cursed (2020).
Lily Image
After graduating from a local private school, she began to focus on her acting career. When she was 14 she started to perform theatre roles.
Lily Newmark
Newmark frequently spends some time performing with the Deptford Albany Theatre Company and in the Deptford National Youth Theatre. In 2016 she graduated from Loughton, Essex, 15 Acting School in the acting sector.
Lily Image
In light of their success, Lily presented a great deal to the watchers during her series. The lady is absolutely fine. She is not normal as other British people because, due to her wide hazel eyes and red-hued hair, she looked increasingly like a pretty Italian woman.
Lily Image
As a result of her success, she put so many major magazines on the distribution side. Newmark is very well treated and reflects from its point of view as it has a low weight, smooth skin, and all other things needed to be a model.
Lily Newmark’s Early Life
Lily Inge Newmark celebrates her birthday every year on the 24th of May, in the year of her birth, 1994. In addition, she was raised in London, England, by her parents, Brooks Newmark and Lucy Keegan. Benjamin, Zachary, Sam, and Max Newmark, are Lily’s four siblings, have some wonderful childhood memories. Rose Keegan, an actress, is her maternal aunt.
Lily Newmark’s maternal aunt is an actress, Rose Keegan. Source: Pinterest
The 27-year-old joined the National Youth Theatre at the age of 14 when she discovered her passion for performing. She joined the Albany Theatre Company based in Deptford when she was 16. Lily received her acting and a contemporary diploma from East 15 Acting School in Loughton, Essex, in 2016.
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Lily Newmark’s Net Worth Collection
Lily Newmark is an actress and former model from the United Kingdom. She is most recognized for her roles as Iona in Pin Cushion, Ruthie in Sex Education on Netflix, and Eve Milton in Temple on Sky One. Lily has been seen in the Netflix fantasy drama series Cursed as Pym, in which she has a recurring character. From the web series, she receives remuneration of $30,000 every episode. Lily has a good net worth of $700,000 as of 2021.
Lily Newmark is an actress and former model. Source: Pinterest
In the UK, where Lily has been in several top magazines and music videos, the average range of earnings for a novice full-time actor is $35,000, and for a full-time model is $54,000. As a result, she may be paid similarly. Recently, the film Solo: A Star Wars Story, in which she starred, grossed $392.9 million at the box office, and she might have made a lot of money from it. She also enjoys a lavish lifestyle with her family.
Lily Newmark’s Career
Lily Newmark got her to start with amateur, independent films and music videos for artists such as DISCIPLES, Rejjie Snow, and Real Lies. First Model Management discovered her and worked as a professional fashion model for several years. She appeared in campaigns for Zandra Rhodes and Chanel and editorials for Vice Magazine and Wonderland Magazine during her modeling career.
Lily Newmark is an actress and model who is British-American. She is most known for her roles as Pym on Cursed and Ruthie on Netflix’s Sex Education Web Series. The model appeared in campaigns for Zandra Rhodes and Chanel and editorials for Vice Magazine and Wonderland Magazine during her modeling career. She was cast in a modest recurring role in the NBC television series Emerald City during her final year of theater school. Lily was then cast in the significant role of Iona in the British indie film Pin Cushion, for which she was nominated for the British Independent Film Awards’ Most Promising Newcomer award.
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The celebrity appears in Juliet, Naked, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Les Misérables, Born a King, Balance, Not Symmetry, Sex Education, Cursed, Misbehaviour, and Temple, among other films and television shows.
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Get to Know Lily Newmark
Lily Newmark is a 26 year old actress from London who uses her platform to raise awareness about issues close to her.Source: Lily Newmark Instagram
Lily Newmark was born on 24 May 1994 in London, the United Kingdom, to her parents, father Brooks Newmark and mother, Lucy Keegan. During high school, she showed an interest in stage plays, and modeling agencies discovered Lily for her distinct look. She started doing modeling work while studying in high school, and then she joined Albany Theatre Company in Deptford, where she trained to become an actress.
After years of working as a model for different brands, Lily made her cinematic debut with Pin Cushion. She was nominated as the Most Promising Newcomer at the British Independent Film Award for her role in her debut film. Over the years, she has expanded her filmography and her social media presence.
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Лили Ньюмарк: За пределами экрана
Актриса известна своей страстной любовью к путешествиям, которая вылилась в увлечение фотографией. Её Instagram-аккаунт полон ярких и захватывающих снимков, которые запечатлевают моменты из её приключений по всему миру.
Ньюмарк также является заядлым филантропом. Она активно участвует в благотворительных мероприятиях, направленных на поддержку различных социальных программ. Ее сострадание и желание улучшить мир вдохновляют многих её поклонников.
Помимо путешествий и благотворительности, Лили Ньюмарк проявляет энтузиазм в области дизайна интерьера. Её собственный дом является отражением её безупречного вкуса и эклектичного стиля, объединяя современные и винтажные элементы с налетом богемности.
Не ограничиваясь искусством и благотворительностью, Ньюмарк также интересуется предпринимательством. Она является совладелицей бренда органических продуктов, пропагандируя здоровый образ жизни и устойчивое потребление.
Увлечения Лили Ньюмарк Деятельность Детали Путешествия Фотография, посещение разных стран Благотворительность Поддержка социальных программ Дизайн интерьера Создание уникальной атмосферы дома Предпринимательство Органические продукты, здоровый образ жизни
Lily Newmark Biography
Lily Newmark is an English-American movie, stage, and TV actress, model, and former fashion designer. Born on 24th May 1994 in London, England.
Acting career
Her interest in acting started at age 14 while making dresses for National Youth Theatre. After that, she spent two years at the Albany Theatre Company in Deptford and then started her career as an actor at National Youth Theatre.
In 2016, did her BA in Acting and Contemporary Theatre from the “East 15 Acting School” in Loughton, Essex. She was interested in taking theology at university but changed her mind later. Especially, during her acting days in youth theater, it was not in the mind of this wonderful actress that she would opt for acting as a profession.
Modeling assignments
Lily’s modeling career includes modeling for popular magazine brands such as Vogue and Fabric, Wonderland, and Vice. Furthermore, Lily modeled for big brands including Chanel and Zandra Rhodes.
Career as a Model
Claim to Fame
Following acting roles made her gain popularity.
1. Role of “Ruthie” in Netflix Web TV Series “Sex Education” (2019-20)
2. As “Pym” in Netflix Web TV Series Cursed (2020)
3. Role of Lona in movie “Pin Cushion” in 2017
4. Eve Milton in the Sky One TV series “Temple” (2019-present)