Angourie rice

Биография Энгаури Райс Ангури Райс: фото, личная жизнь, последние новости 2019, фильмы, Инстаграм, Райан Гослинг

Angourie Rice Wiki / Biography

Angourie Rice was born in Sydney, Australia on January 1, 2001. She is the daughter of actress Kate Rice and filmmaker Jeremy Rice. Her grandma lived in New South Wales which is where her roots are. She grew up in Melbourne after being born in Sydney, and she graduated in 2018 from Princes Hill Secondary College. Before moving back to Melbourne, she spent five years of her childhood in Perth and one year in Munich.

Image- Instagram

Early career

At the age of eight, Rice made her acting debut in short films such as “Hidden Clouds” in 2009. In 2011, she also featured in short film “Mercy” and portrayed the title role of Mercy. In 2012, at the age of eleven, she received the St Kilda Short Film Festival’s Best Actress award for her performance in Zak Hilditch’s short film “Transmission.”

Rice debuted in a feature film in 2013 with the post-apocalyptic thriller “These Final Hours.” Despite her youth, her performance revealed a depth of feeling. Adding to her versatility, she acted in live-action scenes from the animated feature “Walking with Dinosaurs.”

Worst Year of My Life Again in 2014, The Doctor Blake Mysteries in 2015, and Mako Mermaids in 2016 were among the TV shows in which Rice starred.

Breakout Performances

Rice’s career took a significant turn in 2016 with her breakthrough performance as Holly March in the action comedy “The Nice Guys,” where she held a position with well-known stars Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe. In addition to showcasing her comedic timing, her performance made her known as a talent to watch in industry. In same year, she also starred as the supernatural antagonist Tegan in the science fiction fantasy movie Nowhere Boys: The Book of Shadows.

Angourie Rice with
Ryan Gosling in The Nice Guys

For her performance as Eliza Wishart in the 2017 Australian film adaption of “Jasper Jones,” she was nominated for multiple AACTA awards. In the same year, she starred with industry titans Nicole Kidman, Kirsten Dunst and Elle Fanning in “The Beguiled,” where she played Jane. Sofia Coppola is the writer and director of this American Southern Gothic psychological thriller film The Beguiled, which is based on the same-titled 1966 novel.

Marvel Universe

Rice’s standing was further enhanced when she joined the Marvel Universe. In 2017, She played Betty Brant in “Spider-Man: Homecoming.” Her role was furthered in the 2019 film “Spider-Man: Far From Home” and the web series “The Daily Bugle” and once more in Spider-Man: No Way Home, further establishing her in the vast superhero franchise.

Image- CTMG, Angourie Rice (first from left)

Diverse Roles

Rice starred in the romance drama “Every Day” in 2018 and won the Best Lead Actress AACTA award for her portrayal of Lisa in the Australian version of “Ladies in Black.”

Rice was included in Variety magazine’s ‘Power of Young Hollywood‘ and ‘Actors to Watch‘ lists in 2021. She portrayed Siobhan opposite Kate Winslet in Mare of Easttown that same year. She worked hard to reduce her Australian accent and acknowledged that the Delco accent was difficult to perfect.

Recent Projects

Among her most recent attempts is the movie “Senior Year” (2022) with her co-star Joshua Colley, Avantika and Rebel Wilson, in which Rice played the character of Young Stephanie Conway, demonstrating her dedication to playing a variety of roles. Another big turning point in her career came when she co-starred with Jennifer Garner in the Apple TV+ miniseries “The Last Thing He Told Me” in April 2023.

In addition to performing, Rice pursues writing and hosts the podcast “The Community Library” to promote her passion for literature.

Роковое искушение (2017) (The Beguiled)

Зарубежный фильм, Триллер, драма

tagHD 1080, tagHD 720, tagЭкранизация

Режиссер: София Коппола

В ролях: Колин Фаррелл, Николь Кидман, Кирстен Данст

Получив ранение и пытаясь найти помощь, молодой мужчина теряет сознание прямо на дороге. Вскоре он оказывается в небольшой школе-интернате, расположенной вдали от цивилизации. Здесь находятся только женщины, одна из которых и подобрала раненого и уговорила настоятельницу оставить его до выздоровления. Капрал МакБерни оказался в заботливых руках, и сразу семь девушек начинают ухаживать за ним, постепенно влюбляясь в молодого красавца. Вскоре об этом стало известно настоятельнице, которая не испытала восторга от такой новости. Почувствовав себя лучше, капрал МакБерни поделился с ними своей драматичной историей, что вызвало еще большую симпатию к нему. Но игра, казавшаяся забавной поначалу, обернется серьезными проблемами для мужчины.

Тайны острова Мако (2013) (Mako Mermaids)

Зарубежный сериал, Комедия, Приключения, Фэнтези

tagHD 1080, tagHD 720, tagЗавершён

Режиссеры:Ивэн Кларри, Грант Браун, Том Хупер

В ролях:Чай Хансен, Джо Дэвидсон, Доминик Дойчер

Сериал возвращает нас в уже знакомый лунный бассейн. Когда 15-летний Зак отправляется на пикник на остров Мако, то даже не подозревает, что каждый его шаг внимательно отслеживается тремя русалками — Сиреной, Никси и Лилой, которые тщательно охраняют остров от постороннего вмешательства. Но в полнолуние Зак контактирует с водой из лунного пруда и обретает магические силы. Проснувшись утром дома, он обнаружил вместо ног плавник, а также способность управлять водой. Теперь Зак приносит немало сюрпризов для русалок с острова Мако… Русалки теперь должны стать людьми и найти Зака, чтобы отобрать его магические силы, или их исключат из сообщества русалок.

Биография и личная жизнь Энгаури Райс

Энгаури Райс (Ангури Райс) – австралийская актриса, известная своей успешной карьерой в кино и на телевидении. С раннего возраста она проявляла интерес к исполнительскому искусству и быстро добилась признания благодаря своему таланту и обаянию ищущей приключений девушки по соседству.

Начало карьеры

В 15 лет Райс получила свою первую крупную роль в австралийском телесериале “Вселенная”. В сериале она сыграла Эллен Мейси, умную и амбициозную девушку, которая отправилась в космос на исследовательскую миссию. За свою работу в сериале Райс была номинирована на премию Logie Award как самая популярная новая женская таланта и премию AACTA Award за лучшую молодую актрису.

В 2016 году Райс дебютировала в полнометражном кино в фильме “Приятный случай”. Она сыграла тихую и наблюдательную дочь персонажа Джессики Честейн. Ее хвалили за нюансированное и сдержанное исполнение, и она получила номинацию на премию AACTA Award за лучшую женскую роль второго плана.

Прорыв и международное признание

Прорыв Райс произошел в 2017 году, когда она получила роль в фильме София Копполы “Роковое искушение”. В фильме она сыграла Люкс Лисбон, загадочную и соблазнительную девушку, которая сводит с ума нескольких мальчиков-подростков в элитной частной школе. Ее выступление было высоко оценено критиками, которые похвалили ее зрелость и харизму.

После “Рокового искушения” карьера Райс стремительно пошла вверх. Она снялась в таких фильмах, как “Человек-паук: Возвращение домой”, “Под Сильвер-Лейк”, “Маленькие женщины” и “Аммонит”. Она также вернулась на телевидение в сериале “Чёрное лето”, где сыграла роль Роуз, молодой женщины, которая пытается выжить в мире, охваченном зомби-апокалипсисом.

Личная жизнь

Райс известна своей частной жизнью. Она не замужем и не имеет детей. В настоящее время она проживает в Лос-Анджелесе, где продолжает работать над различными проектами.

Райс любит путешествовать, читать и проводить время со своими близкими. Она поддерживает несколько благотворительных организаций, в том числе фонд “Дети в неблагополучных условиях” и благотворительную организацию “Сырные улыбки”.

Роковое Искушение: Дополнительные материалы (2017) (The Beguiled: Bonuces)

Дополнительные материалы
tagHD 720

Экранизация по произведению: Томас Куллинан

Режиссер: София Коппола

В ролях: Колин Фаррелл, Николь Кидман, Кирстен Данст

Раненый янки Джон МакБарней, капрал армии северян, был спасен от смерти юной конфедераткой из южной школы-интерната. Женский коллектив ухаживает за ним и делает все для его лечения. Вскоре Джон начинает поправляться и понимает, в какое благодатное место его привела судьба. Одна за другой девушки оказываются очарованы обаятельным выздоравливающим. Постепенно атмосфера в школе накаляется — каждая мечтает завоевать расположение красавца-мужчины. Вскоре ревность, обман и обиды приходят на смену душевной близости и сердечности.

Josie Totah came out as a transgender person in 2018

Although many suspected Totah to be gay as she hadn’t transitioned yet and appeared in many productions as J.J. Totah. She made herself publicly known as a trans-woman in 2018, exclusively through the Time Magazine.

She started her interview by stating she was always grateful to get roles in great projects like The Champions. However, she always felt she let herself shoved into a box as J.J. Totah, a gay boy.

Ever since Totah was a child, the people around her always viewed her as gay, as she was a bit different from others. Not only that, even the entertainment industry gave her that image due to the roles she played.

She also revealed that many reporters asked her what it was like being a gay young man, and many were already quick to assume the same. The actress also clarified being a member of the LGBTQ+ community before, but it only led to more people thinking she’s gay.

Therefore, the actress made a very bold decision to be free and let everyone know her natural sexuality. Despite what she might be hearing, support, or hate, she outed herself as Josie Totah, a trans-woman.

Totah identifies as a female and uses the pronoun she/her/hers. In a very heartfelt letter, she also says this is not something that happened out of the blue nor the choice she made.

The actress found out about her sexuality at the young age of 14 while watching the series I Am Jazz with her mother. In the middle of the show, she revealed to have yelled at her mother, saying this is what I have to do (while watching Jazz Jennings going through a medical transition).

This revelation might not have been easy, but it sure helped that her mother was super supportive from the start. Therefore, at 14, she started taking hormone blockers.

During the initial stages of transition, Totah was in constant fear of society as well as the effect of male hormones on her body. She was also scared about the identity documents and how people would see her.

However, the actress has had many reassurances in her life. She felt delighted hearing Josie from friends and family, and it was a process of healing and better understanding herself.

She wraps up her heartfelt note, stating, “This week, I’m going off to college. I’m also going to continue my acting career, and I am so excited to do both things myself. I plan to play roles I haven’t had the opportunity to play. And I can only imagine how much more fun it’s going to be to play someone who shares my identity, rather than having to contort myself to play a boy. I’m going to gun for those roles, be it a transgender female or a cisgender female. Because it’s a clean slate — and a new world.”

Intriguing Facts about Angourie Rice:

  • Theatrical Roots: Born into a theatrical family, Angourie Rice was destined for the stage and screen. Her mother’s talent as a playwright and her father’s direction in the theatre world paved her way into the arts.
  • Early Stardom in Australia: Before making a mark in Hollywood, Angourie Rice showcased her acting skills in Australia. She appeared in several short films and national television commercials, setting the stage for her future success.
  • Award-Winning Performance at a Young Age: At the tender age of 11, Rice’s remarkable talent was recognized with a Best Actress award at the St Kilda Film Festival in Australia. Her performance in the short film “Transmission” garnered critical acclaim.
  • Big Screen Debut: Rice’s feature film debut was marked by her role as Rose in the Australian sci-fi thriller “These Final Hours” in 2013, showcasing her versatility as an actress.
  • Juggling Education and Acting: As her career took off, Rice had to balance her high school education with significant roles in major films. She co-starred in “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” “The Nice Guys” directed by Shane Black, and “The Beguiled” directed by Sofia Coppola.
  • Alternative Career Path: Despite her successful acting career, if Rice were not an actress, she would be delving into the world of literature and gender studies, indicating her diverse interests beyond the film industry.
  • A Rising Star from Perth: Angourie Rice’s journey began in Perth, Western Australia. Her early work in short films and national television commercials caught the industry’s attention, especially her lead role in Zak Hilditch’s short “Transmission,” which won her a Best Actress award at the St Kilda Film Festival at only eleven years old.
  • Eco-Conscious Advocate: Angourie Rice is not just a talented actress; she is deeply committed to environmental causes. Her passion for sustainability drives her to support various eco-friendly initiatives, showcasing her dedication to making a positive impact on the planet.
  • Literary Enthusiast: Beyond the screen, Rice harbors a deep love for literature. As an avid reader, she immerses herself in the world of books, reflecting a rich inner life and a quest for continuous learning.
  • Grace and Maturity: Known for her poise and maturity, Angourie Rice carries herself with an elegance that transcends her on-screen roles. Her composed demeanor in both her professional and personal life has become a signature trait.
  • Fashion Aficionado with a Classic Touch: Rice’s interest in fashion is evident in her style choices. She often gravitates towards classic and timeless designs, demonstrating a refined and sophisticated fashion sense.
  • Private Life, Public Success: Despite her growing fame, Angourie Rice chooses to keep her personal life away from the limelight. She focuses primarily on her burgeoning acting career and her dedication to advocacy work, striking a balance between her public persona and private life.

Read More: Anita Baker Net Worth

What is the net worth of Angourie Rice in 2024?

The estimated net worth of Angourie Rice in 2024 is to reach approximately $5 million USD by the end of the year, her active career in the entertainment sector suggests she has substantial earnings. 

Name some of the famous works done by Angourie Rice.

Some of the famous works accomplished by Angourie Rice are:These Final Hours (2013)The Nice Guys (2016)The Beguiled (2017)Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

Angourie Rice’s Staggering Net Worth Collection

Angourie Rice is an Australian actress who began her career as a young actress and rose to prominence after appearances in films such as These Final Hours and The Nice Guys. In addition, Angourie is most recognized in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for her role as Betty Brant in Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) and Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), and she is expected to reprise the character in Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021).

Angourie Rice is a multi-millionaire. Photo Source: Instagram

The Australian actress made her feature film acting debut in 2013 with the post-apocalyptic drama These Final Hours. She also appeared in the animated movie Walking with Dinosaurs‘ live-action scenes at the beginning and finish. It’s been eight years since she has been in the movie industry. So, Rice has managed to make a magnificent amount of bank balance for herself. According to Celebrity Net Worth, she has amassed an impressive net worth of $3 million as of 2021.

Also See: All Details About Malika Kinison’s Net Worth, Relationship, and Early Life

The Spider-Man star is also active on social media. She has 326k followers on her Instagram and 12.3k followers on her Facebook page. Angourie uploads her personal photos and her works on her social media account. It isn’t sure that she earns from her social media account or not.

Angourie Rice dating compatibility

Angourie Rice is a Capricorn , which is ruled by planet Saturn ♄. Capricorns are most romantically compatible with two earth signs, Taurus and Virgo. This star sign likes to create a stable life and usually enters in the relationship because of long-term thinking. Scorpios also make a very good romantic partners with Capricorns. Capricorns least compatible signs for dating: Aries, Gemini, and Leo. When it comes to toxicity, it’s best for Capricorn to avoid Aries.

Angourie’s zodiac animal is a Serpent . The Snake is the sixth of all zodiac animals and is intuitive, charming, and deep. Snake’s romantic and friendship potential is most compatible with Monkey, Rooster, and Ox signs, according to Chinese zodiac compatibility rules. However, people of Tiger and Pig signs should be avoided when choosing a partner.

Pick up line #347: Is it hot in here or is it just you?

Angourie Rice past relationships

Based on information available to us, Angourie Rice had at least few relationships in the past few years. Not all details about Angourie’s past relationships, partners, and breakups are known. Availability of these details depend on how private celebrities are, and because of that we may not know some facts. While it’s usually easy to find out who is Angourie Rice dating, it is harder to keep track of all her hookups and exes, however that may not always be the case. Some things may be more public than the others, especially when media is involved.

Angourie Rice has not been previously engaged. She has no children. Information on the past dates and hookups is regularly updated.

Conversation starter #22: What do you think of this venue?

Angourie Rice’s Relationship Status, Who Is Her Boyfriend?

In terms of Angourie Rice’s relationship status, she is possibly single as of 2021. There is no evidence that she is involved in any type of intimate engagement. In addition, Rice is more concerned with her profession and schooling than with being in a romantic relationship right now.

Angourie Rice is single as of 2021. Photo Source: Instagram

As a celebrity, her personal life is usually a topic of discussion and enthusiasm among the general public. Because there isn’t much information on her, her supporters are always curious to learn more about her.

The young actress spends most of her time with her family. Maybe in the future, she will be dating a handsome hunk. For now, Angourie is enjoying her adulthood and singlehood.

Angourie Rice’s dating life explored

The Australian actress is reportedly single as of this writing and isn’t dating anyone. She has kept her personal life affairs away from the media and hasn’t given any hint through her social media handles.

Although there might not be a presence of a man in Angourie’s current love life, it is reported that she was once in a relationship with a Canadian actor named Charles Vandervaart. The reports of them dating each other began after they starred in the 2018 movie Every Day.

Both of them used to share several pictures alongside each other through their respective Instagram handles, which further fueled the talks. However, since late 2019, both of them have stopped sharing pictures and haven’t been seen on each other’s Instagram handle.

Due to that, it was assumed that the alleged boyfriend and girlfriend duo had parted ways. Though the relationship between the two wasn’t fully confirmed at that time, the actress supposedly confirmed it during her recent interview with Elle in May 2021.

In that interview, Angourie mentioned how she has spent six years of her life playing Betty Brant in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and how she has grown up with that character. “I feel like I had my coming-of-age with that character,” she said.

Continuing the same statement, she mentioned, “While she was going to her first school dance and going overseas and getting her first boyfriend, I was doing all those things at the same time.”

Besides this, she didn’t give out any other information or name-drop anyone, but many think the boyfriend part was a nod to her rumored ex-boyfriend Vandervaart. Furthermore, there are no details available about her dating history or other ex-boyfriends.

Just 15, Young and beautiful Angourie Rice’s dating history

The overloaded cuteness, the striking look and those Australian features! Who wouldn’t want to date Angourie Rice, right? Despite being the heartthrob of millions of men, the Australian actress doesn’t seem to have any confirmed dating history. Well, Angourie is a young actress who has a long career ahead of her, and perhaps that might be the reason she is single and has no boyfriend.

Also, Angourie, living her teenage years, is still too young to be in a committed relationship. As she is an established actress there are people who are interested in her love life or private life happening that at some points, it can be stressing. Angourie not being part of any affair rumors has raises some serious question like does she thinks fifteen-year is too young to start dating? Or does she think that dating is a private matter?

Looks like she is just enjoying her days, exploring new things, gaining new experience, rather than creating buzz about her personal life. And on the other hand, Angourie nature as a private person has also arisen question like is she really single?

It might be safe to say that she is dating someone because of all her cloak-and-dagger demeanor. If so, then, we should respect her privacy and patiently wait for the day when she will come forward and acknowledge her ‘man’.  

As of 2024, Angourie Rice is possibly single.


Angourie Rice is an Australian film actress known for her lead roles in These Final Hours and The Nice Guys. Before making her feature film debut in These Final Hours, she appeared in a couple of short films and won Best Actor honors at the 2012 St Kilda Film Festival for her role in the short Transmission.

Real Name
Angourie Rice
Movie Actress
Place of Birth
Melbourne, Australia
Date of Birth
January 1, 2001 (age 23)
Birth Sign
Marital Status

Fun Fact: On the day of Angourie Rice’s birth, «Independent Women Part 1» by Destiny’s Child was the number 1 song on The Billboard Hot 100 and Bill Clinton (Democratic) was the U.S. President.

Edie Falce revealed that her kids don’t watch ‘The Sopranos’

Falco has revealed a surprising fact about her kids’ viewing habits. Despite her immense success and the show’s cultural impact, her two adopted children have shown no interest in watching the acclaimed drama that brought their mother critical acclaim and fame.

In a recent interview at the Garden of Laughs event in New York City, the 60-year-old actress admitted that her kids are “so over it” regarding The Sopranos.

She also shared that neither of her children has ever seen the show, seemingly unfazed by the cultural phenomenon that their mother was a part of.

Edie Falco with her teenagers (Source: Daily Mail)

While her kids may not appreciate her acting prowess in The Sopranos, Falco revealed that they enjoy the perks of having a famous mother. 

She explained that her children are more impressed with the privileges and opportunities available due to her celebrity status rather than her actual work on the screen.

Despite her kids’ indifference towards The Sopranos, Falco remains hopeful that they may eventually develop an appreciation for the show that catapulted her to stardom. 

Angourie Rice Wiki/Biography

Born on 1 January 2001, Angourie Rice’s age is 23 Years Old as of 2023. She was born in Sydney and raised in Melbourne. She holds an Australian nationality and has her belief in Christian religion.

Angourie Rice Childhood Pic

Angourie was named after a town, where her grandmother used to live, in New South Wales. She used to live with her mother in Melbourne. Angourie Rice has British Isles ancestry and her ethnicity is White.

Angourie Rice was enrolled at the Princes Hill Secondary College and in the year 2018, she graduated. She even lived for 5 years in Perth. And, before moving back to Melbourne, Angourie Rice stayed 1 year in Munich, Germany.

Name Angourie Rice
Net Worth $3 Million
Date of Birth 1 January 2001
Age 23 Years Old
Birth Place Sydney, Australian
Currently Live In Melbourne
Profession Actress and Model
Debut TV Series: The Doctor Blake Mysteries (2014)Film: These Final Hours (2013)
Years Active 2013 – Present
Famous Role Betty Brant in the Film Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Nationality Australian
Religion Christian
Ethnicity White Australian Descent
Hometown Sydney
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
School/High School Local High School in Melbourne, Australia
College/University Princes Hill Secondary College in Melbourne, Australia
Education Qualification Graduate

Человек-паук: Вдали от дома (2019) (Spider-Man: Far From Home)

Боевик, Зарубежный фильм, Приключения, Фантастика

tagHD 2160р, tagHD 1080, tagHD 720, tag3D, tagMarvel, tagКомикс, tagСверхспособности

Режиссер: Джон Уоттс

В ролях: Том Холланд, Сэмюэл Л. Джексон, Джейк Джилленхол

После не очень удачного знакомства с командой Мстителей Питер возвращается домой, где пытается зажить обычной жизнью типичного американского подростка вместе с тётушкой Мэй. Однако ему не даёт покоя то, что он зарывает свой талант в землю. Питер понимает, что он способен на большее, что он может стать настоящим супергероем. Тони Старк видел его в деле, однако не хочет доверять парнишке сложные задания. По этой причине человек-паук вынужден сам искать себе приключения. Однажды он сталкивается с очень опасным существом, которое угрожает уничтожить всё человечество. Удастся ли Питеру в одиночку справиться с этой напастью?


Angourie Rice started her career as a child actress. In the year 2013, Angourie made her acting debut, in the feature film, with These Final Hours. It was an apocalyptic thriller film and her character’s name was Rose.

In the year 2013, Angourie was also seen at the beginning and end of an animated film’s live-action sequences. The film was titled Walking with Dinosaurs and she portrayed the role of Jade.

In the year 2014, Angourie was seen in her first television series titled The Doctor Blake Mysteries. Here her character’s name was Lisa Wooton and was seen in the episode titled “The Silence”.

This year, it was followed by another television series titled Worst Year of My Life Again.

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Angourie Rice Biography

Angourie Rice was born on the 1st of January in 2001 (Generation Z). Born roughly between 1995 and 2012, Generation Z is the next generation that is still growing up. Not a lot of data is published about this generation, as the average age is somewhere between 4 and 19 years old. But we do know that these toddlers are already hooked on technology. Angourie’s life path number is 5.

Angourie Rice is best known for being a Movie Actress. Most notable for her work on the silver screen, she starred in the film These Final Hours before landing parts in Walking with Dinosaurs, Nowhere Boys: The Book of Shadows and The Nice Guys. She played the on-screen daughter of Ryan Gosling in The Nice Guys. The education details are not available at this time. Please check back soon for updates.

Family, Boyfriend & Relationships

Angourie Rice’s parents are Jeremy and Kate Rice. Angourie Rice’s father’s name is Jeremy Rice who is a director.

Angourie Rice’s Father

Angourie Rice’s mother’s name is Kate Rice who is a writer.

Angourie Rice with her Mother

She also has one sibling. Her younger sister’s name is Kalliope Rice who is an actress.

Angourie Rice with her Sister

Angourie Rice Family

As of 2023, Angourie Rice marital status is that she is single. Based on a few social media posts, it was assumed that she was dating Charles Vandervaart who is a Canadian actor. But, they separated in the year 2019.

Angourie Rice with her Ex-Boyfriend (Charles Vandervaart)

Father Name Jeremy Rice
Mother Name Kate Rice
Brother Name
Sister Name Kalliope Rice
Boyfriend Charles Vandervaart (Ex)
Marital Status Unmarried

Черное зеркало (2011) (Black Mirror)

Зарубежный сериал, Триллер, Фантастика, драма

tagHD 2160р, tagHD 1080, tagHD 720, tagto be continued…

Экранизация по произведению:Рашида Джонс, Майкл Шур

Режиссеры:Брайан Велш, Эйрос Лин, Брайан Уэлш

В ролях:Рори Киннер, Дэниэл Калуя, Тоби Кеббелл

За последние десять лет технологии всесторонне изменили нашу жизнь, прежде чем мы успели опомниться и усомниться в них. В каждом доме, на каждом столе, на каждой ладони — плазменный телевизор, монитор компьютера, дисплей смартфона — черное зеркало нашего существования в двадцать первом веке. Наша связь с реальностью меняется. Мы возложили на алтарь «Google» и «Apple» и поклоняемся им. «Facebook» алгоритмы знают о нас больше, чем наши собственные родители. У нас есть доступ ко всей информации в мире, но в голове хватает места лишь для того, чтобы воспринять 140 символов из сообщения в твиттере. В «Чёрном зеркале» отображается всеобщее беспокойство за наш современный мир. Этот увлекательный мини-сериал состоит из трёх несвязанных между собой эпизодов, которые наполнены острой сатирой и завязаны на параноидальной зависимости людей от современных технологий.

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