Emeraude toubia bio, age, net worth, height, nationality, husband, father

Emeraude toubia bio, age, net worth, height, nationality, husband, father

Emeraude Tobia’s Personal Life And Relationship

The dating history and boyfriend details of this pretty beauty are talked about well by fans and critics all around. She is yet to be married but is dating her longtime boyfriend, Prince Royce.  The couple is together since August 2011 but the two confirmed their relationship in April 2016. Her boyfriend Royce is an American singer and songwriter has released his a number of evergreen songs. 

Judging by her social media, they seem much in a love and often seen in a public place spending their quality time together. Her boyfriend and affair rumors from outside the dating fraternity too are not much available and the pretty actress has also never been married.

Absent spouse and children, Toubia seems to be focusing more on enhancing her career as an actress rather than focusing on the details in relation to her personal life. Acting since 2008, she sure seems to be focusing more on becoming better and withstanding her career in acting for much more time to come.

The details of her bio and career are searched widely by fans all around the world due to her success in her recent lead role on the television show.

Toubia as of November 2018, has ama s sed over 2 million followers. 

Emeraude Toubia’s Body Measurement 

  • Emeraude Toubia’s height: she stands at the height of 5 ft 4½ in or 164 cm.
  • Weigh: 56 kg or 123.5 pounds
  • Body Measurement: 34-27-32 in or 86-68.5-81 cm
  • Hair Color: Black 
  • Eye Color: Dark Brown
  • Education:  Homer Hanna High School in Brownsville, U.S.
  • Nationality: Canadian 
  • Ethnicity: Mixed
  • Age: March 1, 1989 (age 29)


В 1999 году, в возрасте десяти лет, Тубиа впервые появилась на телевидении в Televisa детская программа Эль Мундо де лос Ниньос. Широкую известность она получила в 2008 году, когда ее отобрали для участия во втором сезоне конкурса. Univision серия конкурса красоты Nuestra Belleza Latina, где участники были тщательно обучены актерскому мастерству, представлению, танцам и другим видам деятельности; Тубиа был признан первым, занявшим второе место. С тех пор она появлялась в рекламе таких брендов, как Maybelline, Дж. К. Пенни, Sony, Гарнье, и AT&T.

В 2009 году она вошла во второй сезон Модель латина, заняв пятое место. Тогда она была полуфиналистом конкурса Мисс Техас США 2010. С 2011 по 2013 год Тубиа был ведущим на нескольких NBC Universo музыкальные и развлекательные шоу, в том числе Арена, 18 и старше, и mun2POP. Она была одним из организаторов красной ковровой дорожки mun2 2013 года. Billboard Latin Music Awards. В 2013 году Тубиа дебютировала в роли Элизабет в сериале Nickelodeon Латинская Америка молодежная теленовелла 11-11: En mi cuadra nada cuadra, для чего ее тренировал Академическая награда номинированная актриса Адриана Барраза.

В 2014 году она появилась в роли Дульсе Ринкон на Веневисион теленовелла Cosita linda. В следующем году Тубиа сыграла Стефани Карам в теленовелле Univision-Venevisión. Voltea pa ‘que te enamores. В 2016 году Тубиа начал изображать воина-получеловека-полуангела. Изабель Лайтвуд на Свободная форма фантастический сериал Охотники за тенью, на основе Орудия смерти книжная серия Кассандра Клэр. В том же месяце она появилась рядом с Принц Ройс в музыкальном видео на его сингл «Culpa al Corazón «.

Эмерод Тубия сейчас

Тубия и сейчас продолжает сниматься в сериале «Сумеречные охотники». Вторая часть 3-го сезона вышла на телеэкраны 25 февраля 2019 года.

Эмерод – активный пользователь социальных сетей, девушка зарегистрирована в «Инстаграме», «Твиттере» и на других площадках для общения. Там она нередко выкладывает фото с рабочих процессов и личные снимки. Глядя на них, поклонники отмечают фигуру телезвезды. И неудивительно, что при росте 164 см и весе 53 кг знаменитость ничуть не стесняется выкладывать фотографии в купальнике и других откровенных нарядах. Этого не скажешь о снимках без макияжа, такими кадрами Тубия подписчиков не балует.

Net Worth, Salary, and Lifestyle

The star of Shadowhunter is professionally active in the showbiz industry for more than a decade. Moreover, this diva from Canada makes an impressive fortune by working as a model, host, and actress.

According to some liable sources, this artist has an estimated net worth in the range of $1 million to $5 million coming to 2020. On the other hand, her husband has a wealth of 14 million US dollars.

Emeraude Toubia has an estimated net worth in the range of $1 million to $5 million.

This 31-years-old Emeraude is still working in the entertainment industry, and she has a handful of projects for the future. So, one can easily say that she is undoubtedly going to make massive wealth in the coming days also.

However, this starlet has not disclosed her salary, cars, house, and income. But we will update these details for sure if anything pops out. Keep in touch with us, guys. Stay tuned!


Тубия родился в Канаде и вырос в Браунсвилле , штат Техас , как единственный ребенок в семье мексиканки и отца — ливанцев . Говоря о своей национальности, Тубия сказала: «Я горжусь тем, откуда я родом. Моя мама мексиканка, мой папа ливанец, а я американец , и я думаю, что это то, что значит быть американцем. Это смешанная сумка».

В детстве занималась академическим танцем , фламенко , восточным танцем и лирическим танцем. Актриса училась в средней школе Гомера Ханны в Браунсвилле. Она переехала в Майами в 2010 году, где оставалась до тех пор, пока не переехала в Лос-Анджелес в 2015 году


С 15 лет Тубия участвовала в конкурсах красоты ; она была коронована как Мисс Южный Техас, Мисс Долина Рио-Гранде Америка и Мисс Тин Браунсвилл. Тубия впервые стала известна в 2008 году, когда она была выбрана для участия во втором сезоне конкурса красоты Univision , Nuestra Belleza Latina , в котором участники учились играть, представлять, танцевать и заниматься другими делами; Тубия заняла второе место. С тех пор она снималась во многих рекламных роликах, таких как Maybelline , JC Penney , Sony , Garnier и AT&T . В 2009 году он участвовал во втором сезоне конкурса Model Latina , заняв пятое место. Затем она была полуфиналисткой на конкурсе «Мисс Техас США 2010 ». С 2011 по 2013 год Тубия принимала множество музыкальных и развлекательных шоу NBC Universe, включая The Arena , 18 & Over и mun2POP .

В 2013 году дебютировала как актриса, в роли Элизабет в теленовелле латиноамериканского канала Nickelodeon 11-11: En mi cuadra nada cuadra , для которой ее тренировала номинированная на «Оскар» актриса Адриана Барраса . В 2014 году она появилась с Дульсе Ринкон в теленовелле Venevisión Cosita Linda . В следующем году Тубия сыграла Стефани «Стефи» Карам в теленовелле Univision-Venevisión Voltea pa ‘que te enamores .

В 2015 году она получила роль Изабель Лайтвуд в сериале Freeform « Сумеречные охотники » , основанном на серии книг, написанных Кассандрой Клэр . Премьера первого эпизода состоялась 12 января 2016 года. Также в январе 2016 года она появилась вместе с принцем Ройсом в клипе на его песню Culpa al Corazón .


В 2011 году он начал отношения с певцом и автором песен Принцем Ройсом . Пара поженилась 1 декабря 2018 года и объявила о разводе в марте 2022 года .

Emeraude Toubia Net Worth

$5 Million

Table of Contents

Emeraude Toubia is an American actress and model. As of 2022, Emeraude Toubia’s net worth is $5 million. She found prominence in her career as she acted in the fantasy romantic series Shadowhunters and portrayed the character of Isabelle Lightwood.

She then landed roles in films and tv shows such as 11-11: En mi cuadra nada cuadra (2013), Voltea pa’ que te enamores (2015), Holiday in Santa Fe (2021), Love in the Sun (2019) etc. She has received two nominations at the Teen Choice Awards. She will be seen in upcoming films The Redo, Ballad of a Hustler, and Like It Used to Be.

Who Is Emeraude Toubia?| Short Bio

Emeraude Toubia was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Moreover, she is the daughter of Mitra Sonia Toubia (mother); howbeit, the name of her father is off the record. Not to forget, she was raised by her mother as a single child.

Speaking of her alma mater, this gorgeous actress enrolled at Homer Hanna High School in Brownsville for her early education. Following that, this hottie joined San Bernardino Valley College, but we do not know about the course she studied.

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Moving on, this beautiful model belongs to Mexican & Lebanese descent; more so, she holds Canadian nationality and comes from a Christian family. We do not know much information about her early life, but looking at her, it appears that it would have quite decent.

On the other contrary, this bombshell always had an interest in the showbiz industry from her young days. More than that, she even started taking dancing training at the age of five.

What race is Emeraude Toubia? Where is she from?

Emeraude Toubia is an American actress who has got pleasing visuals. Because of it, many are confused about her ethnicity or race. Well, born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the charming actress is of mixed ethnicity.

Likewise, her mother, Mirta Sonia, was born and raised in Ciudad Victoria, Mexico, while her father was Lebanese-American. On top of that, Toubia’s grandparents were from the Koura District of Lebanon as well.

Stunning Emeraude Toubia

Also, the actress Emeraude was later raised in Brownsville, Texas as an only child. As for her education, she attended Homer Hanna High School located in Brownsville for her secondary education.

Other than that, Toubia was professionally trained in various dance forms such as classical ballet, flamenco, belly dance, and lyrical dance. Not to mention, the gorgeous actress participated in multiple beauty pageants and was even crowned Miss South Texas, Miss Rio Grande Valley America, and Miss Teen Brownsville, respectively.

Актёры сериала «Сумеречные охотники». Их фильмография

Какую роль сыграл каждый из актёров, мы с вами сейчас рассмотрим отдельно. Ведь очень яркими образами наполнен сериал «Сумеречные охотники». Актёры и роли, которые они исполнили, запоминаются зрителям с первых кадров.

19-летнюю актрису Кэтрин МакНамара большинство поклонников запомнили по недавнему фильму «Бегущая в лабиринте: Испытание огнём», где она исполнила роль Сони. Несмотря на молодой возраст, за плечами актрисы уже достаточно большой список, более 33 фильмов и сериалов. Среди них фильмы «Состязание», «До смерти красива», такие сериалы, как » Фостеры», «Закон и порядок. Специальный корпус», «Помнить всё», «Лузеры», «C.S.I. Место преступления», «Связь» и много других картин, а также ряд проектов диснеевского телеканала.

Доминик Шервуд (Джейс Вэйланд) является популярным английским актёром. Известность ему принесла картина «Академия вампиров», где он появился в образе Кристиана Озера. Его последние работы — это триллер под названием «Взлом», проект «Другой», мини-сериал «Праздник мая».

В фильмографии молодого актёра Альберто Розенде (Саймон Льюис) несколько картин: эпизодичная роль в сериале «Голубая кровь», игра в короткометражках The Swing of Things и «Джахар», а также в сериале «Закон и порядок: Специальный корпус».

Эмерод Тубия (Изабель Лайтвуд) до 2015 года играла исключительно второстепенные роли: администратора в сериале «Аврора», Стэфи в картине «Ты влюбился», эпизодическая роль Дульсе Ринкон в сериале под названием «Коста Линда» и Элизабет в латиноамериканском шоу 11-11. En mi cuadra nada cuadra. И вот теперь главная роль в «Сумеречных охотниках».

Мэттью Даддарио (Алек Лайтвуд) сыграл в картинах «Полной грудью», «Отец-молодец», «Игра на высоте», «Лихорадка» и др.

Гарри Шам мл. (Магнус Бейн) засветился в нескольких музыкальных кинофильмах: «Танцы улиц», «Шаг вперёд 2: Улицы», но известным он стал благодаря роли Майка Чанга в сериале под названием «Хор».

Айзая Мустафа (Люк Герровей) имеет в своём арсенале больше, чем тридцать киноработ. Среди них известными можно считать роли в таких картинах, как «Лохмотья», «Несносные боссы», «Три балбеса», а также «Морская полиция: Спецотдел», «Чак» и несколько других фильмах.

Early Life To Vocation And Progression

Emeraude Toubia was born on 1 March 1989 in Canada but raised in Brownsville, Texas. Her birth sign is Pisces. The beautiful Emeraude holds mix ethnicity of Mexican and Lebanese because of her family are of different ancestry and holds American nationality.

Having a hot and attractive body, she stands tall at the height of 5 feet 5 inches. Talking about her education, she was enrolled in the Homer Hanna High School situated in Brownsville.

As she was engrossed in modeling since her small age, she had attended several beauty contests and was even crowned Miss Teen Brownsville, Miss Rio Grande Valley America as well as Miss South Texas.

Talking about her profession, Emeraude started her career at her small age of ten. She appeared in her first TV show called «Mundo de Ninos» in 1999.

But now she is finally getting her big break. At only 15 years old, Toubia’s love for the stage led her to compete in a series of pageants. Later in 2015, she was cast as the warrior Isabella Lightwood on Freeform fantasy show, based on «The Mortal Instruments» books show by Cassandra Clare, the first episode premiered in January 2016.

Toubia is the leading lady in her Rovio’s latest music video, «Culpa al Corazon.» She’s currently portraying Isabelle Lightwood in the fantasy series «Shadowhunters.»

Except as an actress, she is also famous for being a dancer and has danced for much more show and functions. Some of the wiki media reported that she has also worked as dancer institutor and fitness master.

Talking about her financial status, this beautiful actress has earned a healthy amount though her salary bonuses also show payments. And her estimated net worth is $1 million.

Who Is The Husband of Emeraude Toubia?| Personal Life and Love Affair

Talking about her love life, this gorgeous hottie is a married woman who walked down the aisle with Prince Royce, who is an American musician known for the singles such as Stand by Me and Corazon Sin Cara.

Meanwhile, Toubia and Prince started dating in 2011; moreover, the two of them exchanged their rings in June 2017. After a year, i.e., in 2018, on the date of November 30, the lovey-dovey vowed I do at San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Emeraude Toubia with her husband, Prince Royce

Not to forget, the couple secretly married in the presence of their close friends and family members. From then on, the duo is happily living together, and there is no rumor of their separation and divorce.

Not to mention, the gorgeous couple also works together to support the various non-profit organizations, including, Get Schooled, which uses the media and pop culture to inspire young children and talents.

The lovers are married for two years, but they do not have any biological children until now. If they become parents in the future, we will update you guys. Keep in touch with us.

Childhood and family background

Emeraude Toubia is an American actress that has got nice visuals. Because of that, many are puzzled about her ethnicity or race. Well, born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the charming actress is of mixed ethnicity.Likewise, her mother, Mirta Sonia, was born and raised in Ciudad Victoria, Mexico, while her father was Lebanese-American. On top of that, Toubia’s grandparents came from the Koura District of Lebanon as well.

Stunning Emeraude Toubia

Also, the actress Emeraude was later raised in Brownsville, Texas as an only child. As for her education, she attended Homer Hanna High School located in Brownsville for her secondary education.

Other than that, Toubia was professionally trained in various dance forms such as classical ballet, flamenco, belly dance, and lyrical dance. Not to mention, the gorgeous actress participated in multiple beauty pageants and was even crowned Miss South Texas, Miss Rio Grande Valley America, and Miss Teen Brownsville, respectively.

Quick Facts: Emeraude Toubia

Full Name: Emeraude Toubia
NickName: Emeraude
Birth Date: March 01, 1989
Age: 32 years old
Horoscope: Pisces
Birth Place: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Resident: Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Father’s Name: Unknown
Mother’s Name: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Height: 5 ft 4½ in or 164 cm
Weight: 56 kg or 123.5 pounds
Body Measurements: 42-14.5-30 inches
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Mixed
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Education: Homer Hanna High School
Profession: Television Actress, presenter, model
Boyfriend: Prince Royce
Spouse: Prince Royce
Net Worth: $1 Million – $5 Million
Social Media Presence: Instagram, ,


She starred in Alejandro Antonio and Alberto Portillo’s 2015 drama action film, Tattooed Love. It garnered mostly favorable reviews with a 7.1/10 rating (IMDb).

Emeraude portrayed the character of Esmeralda. She was featured alongside an ensemble cast of Marlon Moreno, Angélica María, Edy Ganem, Catherine Toribio, Laura Flannery.

Emeraude will be seen in Heitor Dhalia’s upcoming drama film, Ballad of a Hustler. She will portray the character of Karen and act alongside Drew Moerlein, Iván Amaro Bullón, Matthew Tompkins, Kelly Nash, Gino Vento, Nicholas Tucci, and Dean Scott Vazquez.

In Bernardo Cubria’s upcoming comedy film, Like It Used to Be, she will be seen portraying the role of Sofia. She will be seen acting alongside Lyrik Cruz, Gina Rodriguez, and Karla Souza. She will be seen in the upcoming romantic comedy film, The Redo. She is also featured as an executive producer in this film and will be playing the role of Cara.


Film and television roles
Year Title Role Notes
2010 Aurora Receptionist Episode: «Gran lanzamiento»
2013 11-11: En mi cuadra nada cuadra Elizabeth 75 episodes
2014 Cosita linda Dulce Rincón 96 episodes
2015 Voltea pa’ que te enamores Stephanie Karam 29 episodes
2015 Tattooed Love Esmeralda
2016–2019 Shadowhunters Isabelle Lightwood Main role; 55 episodes
2019 Love in the Sun Alana Television film (Hallmark)
2021 Holiday in Santa Fe Belinda Sawyer Television film; also co-executive producer
2021–present With Love Lily Diaz Main role
Music video appearances
Year Title Artist(s)
2016 «Culpa al Corazón» Prince Royce

Age, Height, and Measurements- How old is Emeraude Toubia?

Canadian-born American actress Emeraude Toubia has been embracing her beauty from an early age. Being in the entertainment world, it is only likely to take good care of yourself, and Toubia has done an exceptional job at it.

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Not to mention, it is hard to believe that she is already in her 30s. Yes, the ‘Shadowhunters’ actress was born in 1989, making her 31 years as of now. She also celebrates her birthday every year on the first of March, which means her sun sign is Pisces.

Emeraude Toubia is also a former beauty pageant winner.

Similarly, the gorgeous actress stands at the height of 5 feet 5 inches(165 cm) and weighs around 56 kgs(123 lbs). Even though she has a gorgeous body line, we are unable to provide her measurements.

But we do know, Toubia has a pair of dark brown eyes and long black silky hair that frames her beautiful face flawlessly.

Is Emeraude Toubia Dating Prince Royce?

The news of Emeraude Toubia dating Prince Royce circulated over the media in August 2011, and the couple made their fans question “are they dating or not?” for years before acknowledging the relationship in April 2016.

During an interview back in April 2016, Emeraude Toubia admitted her relationship with her singer and songwriter boyfriend, Prince Royce. She said,

Moreover, she added,

Emeraude also opened up about their first meeting.

She quickly added,

When you are a public figure, your personal life creates headlines, be it willingly or unwillingly. But Emeraude confessed her desire to keep her personal life private. She expressed,

Moreover, she pointed out the constant conjectures and rumors regarding the relationship, and she stated that she does not give importance to those rumors, and further expressed her concern for privacy. As per Emeraude,

On June 3, 2016, Emeraude was spotted with her boyfriend, Prince Royce in Miami Fashion Week held at Ice Palace, Miami, Fla. For the fashion show, she chose to wear a colorful dress, and she enjoyed the fashion show, sitting in the front row with Prince.

The occasion brought joy to their fans as they witnessed the beautifully growing relationship of Emeraude and Prince.

Emeraude Toubia and her boyfriend Prince Royce at Miami Fashion Week on June 3, 2016 (Photo: justjaredjr.com)

Emeraude has also appeared in a music video with her boyfriend, Prince Royce in his singles «Culpa al Corazón,» released back in January 2016.

As Emeraude prefers privacy in her life, although she is not vocal about her relationship with Prince, it’s safe to say that she still in a relationship with her boyfriend, Prince Royce, only keeping their relationship out of the limelight.

Enagement Ring, Married?

Fiercely private about her dating life, Emeraude acknowledged her relationship of more than eight years only in 2016. It was indeed a surprise when she confirmed her engagement with beau Prince by appearing in public with a massive rock on her ring finger June 2017.

After enjoying their time as an engaged couple, the TV actor and her beau tied the wedding knots in March 2019 in Mexico. Emeraude and her beau both posted wedding picture on their own Instagram handles.

Emeraude Toubia poses with her newlywed husband Prince Royce on 30th March 2019 (Photo: Emeraude Toubia’s Instagram)

The super-secret plus intimate wedding ceremony was officiated in the home country of the bride’s mother.

The happy ceremony came after Emeraude’s husband, the Latin Grammy nominee became the first-ever tropical artist. He performed at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo concert at the NRG Stadium on 26th February 2019.

Личная жизнь

С 2010 года Тубия жила в Майами, штат Флорида, а в 2015-м перебралась в Лос-Анджелес. Все это время о личной жизни артистки было не так много информации, поскольку модель предпочитала не посвящать поклонников в ее подробности. Однако в апреле 2016-го стало известно, что она с 2011 года встречается с американским певцом доминиканского происхождения Принцем Ройсом. Официально объявить о своих отношениях пара решилась только спустя 5 лет, а до того момента молодые люди тщательно скрывали это от прессы.

Эмерод Тубия и Принц Ройс

20 июня 2017 года Ройс и Эмерод обручились, об этом они рассказали в интервью одному интернет-изданию. Правда, свадьбы пока не было, однако поклонники модели и артиста надеются, что вскоре они станут друг другу мужем и женой, а также пополнят свою семью детьми.

С певцом Тубию связывают не только романтические отношения. Модель и ее парень вместе поддерживают некоммерческую организацию «Get Schooled», которая занимается использованием средств массовой информации и поп-культуры для вдохновения детей и подростков.

Wedding of Emeraude Toubia

It is no surprise that this gorgeous beauty has garnered many fans from her career as an actress. Though she has many admirers, unfortunately, Toubia already has a man in her life. The Canadian-born American actress is married to Dominican-American musician Prince Royce. Likewise, the couple started dating back in 2011 and had been staying strong ever since.

Finally, after seven whole years of dating, the two made it official by tying the knot on November 30, 2018. Their beautiful wedding ceremony took place in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

As of now, the lovely duo resides in her $1.88 million home in Studio City, Los Angeles, in complete luxury. And no, they have no child at the moment.

Physical Appearance

Emeraude is a beautiful-looking young woman with a distinctive sign on her lip. She stands as tall as 5 ft 5 inches (164 cm). She loves to keep herself in a good shape through a healthy diet and regular workouts. She has a slim and toned body and her body shape is like Pear.

She weighs around 56 kg (123 lbs). Her body measurements are- breast size- of 34 inches, a waist size of 27 inches, and a hip size of 32 inches.  Emeraude is a Hispanic woman with a mixed cultural heritage (of Mexican and Lebanese).

She has very beautiful and glossy black hair. She also has beautiful dark brown eyes. She doesn’t have any tattoos on her body. She wears a US size 34 bra. She requires a US size of 6 dresses and a US size of 7.5 shoes. She identifies as a heterosexual straight female.

Height (approx) in centimeters: 167 cmin meters: 1.67 min feet inches: 5’ 5”
Weight (approx) in kilograms: 56 kgin pounds: 123 lbs
Eye Colour Brown
Hair Colour Glossy Black

#1. Toubia is Proud of Her Heritage

Born in Canada, Toubia was raised in Texas by her Mexican mother and Lebanese father. She takes great pride in her heritage and is always striving to break the stereotypes surrounding Latinas.


Toubia said, “A lot of the media out there have a stereotype of what a Latina is and Latinas have different hair color, different skin types, different body shapes.” She continued, “But we are multidimensional, we’re not one-size-fits-all. I really want to get that message out there so that everyone can know the true beauty of Latinas and what truly defines us is not our beauty or what we look like physically. What defines us is our pride for our culture and our pride for our family. That’s what makes us a Latina, not how we look physically.”

The actress is also all about family, as she describes a time when her mother visited her on her Canadian film set. She got a bit teary-eyed describing her mother’s happiness seeing her fulfill her dreams.


Emeraude Toubia’s Dating History

Emeraude Toubia looks no less than a goddess, and we are glad that she has found her one true love in Prince Royce. Well, the couple exchanged vows in 2018 but have been together since a decade before marrying each other.

The couple prefers to stay lowkey when it comes to their love life, and we guess that is the biggest green flag for a successful relationship.

Toubia has also stated that the couple spends most of their time apart due to their busy schedule. But that doesn’t affect their dynamics since they try their best to spend quality time together every once in a while!

Talking about their plans to extend their family, the actress and the singer revealed that they want to become parents in the future but are in no rush as of now.

Image: Starfrenzy/bigstockphoto.com

  • Full Born Name: Emeraude Toubia
  • Nickname: Em
  • Occupation: Actress, Model
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Date of Birth: March 1, 1989
  • Birthplace: Montreal, Canada
  • Zodiac Sign: Pisces
  • Father Name: Unknown
  • Mother Name:  Mirta Sonia Toubia
  • Siblings Names: None
  • Spouse: Prince Royce
  • Children: None

Emeraude Toubia Bio

Emeraude was born on 1 March 1989, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and was raised in Brownsville, Texas, United States. As parents, she has a Mexican mother Mirta Sonia and a Lebanese father, but she is an American by nationality. Emeraude takes the utmost pride in being an American and feels that America is a melting pot of different people.

Emeraude went to Homer Hanna High School in Brownsville. She is a trained dancer in classical ballet, belly dance, flamenco, lyrical dance and belly dance.

Emeraude, who stands tall at the height of 5 feet and four inches, has participated in pageants like Model Latina season second and Miss Texas USA in 2010. She served as a presenter for NBC Universo’s entertainment and music shows and has co-hosted red carpet of Billboard Latin Music Awards in 2013.

She made her acting debut in 2013 with the role of Elizabeth in «11-11: En Mi Cuadra Nada Cuadra». In 2015 she landed the role of Isabelle Lightwood in the series Shadowhunter. Alike her character on the show, she is super close to her family and loves spending quality time with them.

Moreover, her television credit includes Cosita Linda (2014), «Voltea Pa’ que Te enamores»(2015), Tattoed Love (2015), and Shadowhunters(2016-2017).

American Actress Model Shadowhunters Prince Royce

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Emeraude Toubia Wiki/Biography

Born on 1 March 1989, Emeraude Toubia’s age is 33 Years Old as of 2022. Her birthplace was in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada where she grew up and spent most of her early days. She currently resides in Los Angeles, California, U.S. Emeraude is an American citizen. She follows the religious path of Christian. Her star sign is Pisces. 

Emeraude Toubia Childhood Pic

Emeraude had her early education at a local Elementary school. She then went to Homer Hanna High School which is located in Brownsville. She had her further studies at San Bernardino Valley College.

Full Name Emeraude Toubia
Net Worth $5 million
Date of Birth 1 March 1989
Age 33 Years Old
Birth Place Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Currently Live In Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Profession Actress and Model
Debut Music Video: Culpa al Corazon (2016)Film: Aurora (2010)
Years Active 2008 – Present
Famous Role Isabelle Lightwood in Film Shadowhunters (2016)
Nationality American
Religion Christian
Ethnicity Mexican & Lebanese descent
Hometown Montreal, Quebec
Zodiac Sign Pisces
School/High School Local Elementary school
College/University San Bernardino Valley College
Education Qualification Graduate

Ранние годы

Тубиа родился в Монреаль, Квебек. Она выросла в Браунсвилл, Техас как единственный ребенок. Ее мать, Мирта Соня (урожденная Солис), родилась и выросла в Сьюдад-Виктория, Мексика, и ее отец был Ливанский -Американский. Ее бабушка и дедушка по отцовской линии были из Коурский район, Ливан.

В детстве она профессионально обучалась классический балет, фламенко, танец живота, и лирический танец. Toubia присутствовал Средняя школа Гомера Ханны в Браунсвилле для получения среднего образования. С пятнадцати лет Тубиа участвовал в нескольких соревнованиях. конкурсы красоты; она была коронована как мисс Южный Техас, мисс Рио-Гранде-Вэлли-Америка и мисс Тин Браунсвилл.


She starred in Tattooed Love, a 2015 drama action movie directed by Alejandro Antonio and starring Alberto Portillo. With a rating of 7.1/10, the reviews were largely positive.

The role of Esmeralda was played by Emeraude. Marlon Moreno, Angélica Mara, Edy Ganem, Catherine Toribio, and Laura Flannery were all part of the ensemble cast.

Emeraude will appear in the upcoming drama film Ballad of a Hustler by Heitor Dhalia. Alongside Drew Moerlein, Iván Amaro Bullón, Matthew Tompkins, Kelly Nash, Gino Vento, Nicholas Tucci, and Dean Scott Vazquez, she will play the role of Karen.

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Do you know about the career of Emeraude Toubia?

Talking about her career, it is sure that Emeraude did not just start acting from a fluke. If you look back at her life, we can clearly see that the American actress has been interested in glamour and being a social personality from an early age.

Likely, the former beauty pageant winner also kick-started her acting career from an early age. In fact, Emeraude was only ten when she appeared on the television for the very first time.

Emeraude Toubia with her husband, Prince Royce,Source;Instagram

It was the 1999’s children’s program called El Mundo de Los Ninos. But it was her participation in the second season of the Univision beauty pageant series, Nuestra Belleza Latina, that elevated her fame to the next level.

Likewise, in the intense series, Toubia ranked as runner-up and was featured in various advertisements such as Maybelline, J.C. Penny, Sony, AT & T, and Garnier. In 2009, Emeraude took part in yet another beauty pageant, Model Latin Season two, and finished in fifth place.

The following year, she ended up as the semifinalist in Miss Texas USA 2010. After that, the famous beauty pageant winner focused her energy on the small screen as a host and anchor. Moreover, this leads to her serving as a presenter for NBC Universo music and entertainment shows from 2011 to 2013. During her time, she presented shows like The Arena, 18 & Over, and mun2POP. Also, in 2013, the actress co-hosted the mun2 red carpet special for the Billboard Latin Music Awards.

Age and Body Measurements

Canadian-born American actress Emeraude Toubia has been embracing her beauty from an early age. Being in the entertainment world, it is only likely to take good care of yourself, and Toubia has done an exceptional job at it.

Not to mention, it is hard to believe that she is already in her 30s. Yes, the ‘Shadowhunters’ actress was born in 1989, making her 31 years as of now. She also celebrates her birthday every year on the first of March, which means her sun sign is Pisces.

Similarly, the gorgeous actress stands at the height of 5 feet 5 inches(165 cm) and weighs around 56 kgs(123 lbs) (123 lbs). Even though she has a gorgeous body line, we are unable to provide her measurements. But we do know, Toubia has a pair of dark brown eyes and long black silky hair that frames her beautiful face flawlessly.

Детство и юность

Биография будущей актрисы началась в канадском городе Монреаль, где она родилась 1 марта 1989 года, по знаку зодиака Рыба. Будучи еще ребенком, она переехала на постоянное место жительства в штат Техас, США, город Браунсвилль. Национальность Эмерод определить сложно, поскольку известно, что ее отец имеет ливанские корни, его родители родом из Куры (Ливан), а мать Мирта Сония родилась в Мексике. Необычное смешение крови подарило девочке прекрасную внешность, которую уже в детстве многие отмечали.

Актриса Эмерод Тубия

По характеру Эмерод всегда была активной, любила внимание со стороны окружающих, в незнакомых компаниях не стеснялась, чувствовала себя свободно. Вероятно, именно поэтому родители решили попробовать поучаствовать с ней в 1999 году в мексиканской детской передаче «Мир детей»

Так она впервые появилась на телевидении и именно с этого момента загорелась идеей стать актрисой или телеведущей.

Поскольку Эмерод была единственным ребенком в семье, родители не жалели на нее денег и времени, а потому старались развивать дочь всесторонне. В детстве она увлекалась классическим балетом, лирическим танцем, танцем живота и фламенко. И надо сказать, что у нее неплохо получилось. Именно занятия танцами отчасти и определили дальнейшую судьбу девочки.

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