Who is Harvey Weinstein’s ex-wife Georgina Chapman?
Georgina Rose Chapman was born April 14, 1976, and is an English fashion designer and actress.
Along with former model Keren Craig, she is a co-founder of the fashion label Marchesa.
She is the daughter of journalist Caroline Wonfor and multi-millionaire Brian Chapman, who owned organic coffee company Percol.
She attended Marlborough College in Wiltshire — where Kate Middleton went to school — and got into modelling in her twenties with a Head And Shoulders ad.
Georgina began dating Harvey Weinstein in 2004 after he left his first wife.
They married on December 15, 2007, and their divorce was finalised in January 2018 in a mega million deal.
They have a daughter and son together.
Georgina has an estimated wealth of £15million.
This is largely down to her fashion brand Marchesa, but according to the New York Post. her divorce from Weinstein was estimated to be worth between £11.1 million ($15million) and £14.8 million ($20million).
Georgina has appeared as a judge on Project Runway: All Stars as well as in films such as Shanghai Knights and Bride And Prejudice.
Harvey and Georgina split in 2017 amid rape and sexual abuse allegationsCredit: Reuters
What has Georgina Chapman said about Weinstein?
In 2017, Georgina said she was leaving Weinstein following the sexual allegations made against him.
She told People magazine she needs time away from the producer — and reports claim she is leaning on former political aide Huma Abedin, the wife of disgraced former US congressman Anthony Weiner, for support.
In a statement Georgia said: “My heart breaks for all the women who have suffered tremendous pain because of these unforgivable actions.
“I have chosen to leave my husband. Caring for my young children is my first priority and I ask the media for privacy at this time.”
The fashion designer has been keeping a low profile since the splitCredit: Rex Features
Weinstein said he «encouraged» his wife to leave him and admitted the sexual harassment scandal has torn apart their marriage.
After it was announced she was leaving him, the producer released a statement saying: «Over the last week, there has been a lot of pain for my family that I take responsibility for.
«I sat down with my wife Georgina, who I love more than anything, and we discussed what was best for our family.
«We discussed the possibility of a separation and I encouraged her to do what was in her heart. In the end, she made the decision to separate.
«I understand, I love her and I love our children and hopefully, when I am better, I will be in their lives again.
«I support her decision, I am in counselling and perhaps, when I am better, we can rebuild.»
The producer agreed to an eight-figure deal to end their nearly 10 year marriage.
In May 2018 she told Vogue she felt «humiliated and broken» by the allegations.
She told the publication: «There was a part of me that was terribly naive—clearly, so naive.
«I have moments of rage, I have moments of confusion, I have moments of disbelief and I have moments when I just cry for my children.»
She is yet to comment since Weinstein was sentenced to 23-years behind bars on charges of first-degree sex crimes and third-degree rape, and could face jail.
Личная жизнь
Чепмен родился с бедренная антеверсия, из-за чего пальцы ее ног были направлены внутрь во время ходьбы. В восемь лет ей поставили диагноз: дислексия. Она дружит с актером Дэвид Ойелово, которого она знает с 18 лет.
Чепмен начал встречаться с кинопродюсером Харви Вайнштейн в 2003 году, когда он был еще женат на своей первой жене. Они поженились 15 декабря 2007 г. в г. Коннектикут. У них двое детей. 10 октября 2017 года Чепмен объявила, что разводится с Вайнштейном после того, как более 90 женщин. выдвинул обвинения изнасилования, нападения или сексуальных домогательств в отношении него. Их развод был оформлен в следующем году.
В марте 2020 года сообщалось, что она встречается Эдриан Броуди.
Chapman on Seeing a Therapist
She has seen a therapist, she said. “At first I couldn’t, because I was too shocked,» she started. «And I somehow felt that I didn’t deserve it. And then I realized: This has happened. I have to own it. I have to move forward. There was a part of me that was terribly naive—clearly, so naive. I have moments of rage, I have moments of confusion, I have moments of disbelief! And I have moments when I just cry for my children. What are their lives going to be?” Vogue’s writer Jonathan van Meter noted that Chapman had been crying through most of this—so hard that at one point, she needed to stop and take a moment. “What are people going to say to them? It’s like, they love their dad. They love him. I just can’t bear it for them!”
Georgina Chapman claims she didn’t know about Weinstein’s alleged behavior.
Aside from her divorce announcement, Chapman stayed mum on the allegations against her ex-husband in the months following. In May of 2018, Chapman broke her silence in a Vogue feature story.
The designer explained that she didn’t feel right making public appearances or even showcasing her collections because she didn’t believe it was «respectful» of her, given what other women were dealing with because of her husband’s alleged acts.
Source: Getty
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She also claimed that she truly wasn’t aware of what Weinstein was doing when they weren’t together.
«There was a part of me that was terribly naive — clearly, so naive. I have moments of rage, I have moments of confusion, I have moments of disbelief! And I have moments when I just cry for my children. What are their lives going to be?»
Chapman also detailed what went through her mind when she first found out about the accusations against Weinstein.
«I lost ten pounds in five days. I couldn’t keep food down… My head was spinning. And it was difficult because the first article was about a time long before I’d ever met him, so there was a minute where I couldn’t make an informed decision,» she said. «And then the stories expanded and I realized that this wasn’t an isolated incident. And I knew that I needed to step away and take the kids out of here.»
In the more than a year since she spoke with Vogue, Chapman has continued to lead a private life. She’s made several red carpet appearances, but she hasn’t further elaborated on her ex-husband.
Weinstein’s lawyers have said in recent public statements that Weinstein is still in continual contact with his children with Chapman. Marchesa co-founder Karen Craig left the brand in June of 2019.
After the first story broke Chapman didn’t leave the house in 5 months
‘I was so humiliated and so broken . . . that . . . I, I, I . . . didn’t think it was respectful to go out’ she said. ‘I thought, Who am I to be parading around with all of this going on? It’s still so very, very raw. I was walking up the stairs the other day and I stopped; it was like all the air had been punched out of my lungs.’
She initially thought it was a one-off incident
‘It was difficult because the first article was about a time long before I’d ever met him, so there was a minute where I couldn’t make an informed decision. And then the stories expanded and I realised that this wasn’t an isolated incident. And I knew that I needed to step away and take the kids out of here.’
Her old friend David Oyelowo was one of her biggest supports
‘I kind of found myself in a first-responder capacity,’ Oyelowo told Van Meter. ‘My wife and I were right there with her two kids, and this catastrophe was unfolding in real time across the globe, literally your worst nightmare in terms of a marriage, in terms of the future of your kids and your business. And none of this was your own doing and yet you are entirely lumped into it. The thing that was the most difficult to witness was that she quite rightly took the stance of not going out there and defending herself, because there was just too much white noise and too much bile headed in her general direction. She felt, how dare I raise my head and say, «Oh, by the way, I’m suffering too?»‘
Chapman (right) with friend David Oyelowo and his wife Jessica
Her marriage to Weinstein was ‘very happy’
‘That’s what makes this so incredibly painful: I had what I thought was a very happy marriage. I loved my life.’ Chapman says the fact that Weinstein travelled a lot meant she also didn’t track what he was up to all the time. ‘And I’ve never been one of those people who obsesses about where someone is.’
Georgina Chapman and Harvey Weinstein in September 2017, one month before the story broke(Image credit: rex)
On what attracted her to Weinstein in the first place, Chapman said, ‘Well, he’s a wonderful father to my kids. But initially? He’s charismatic. He’s an incredibly bright, very learned man. And very charitable. He paid for a friend of mine’s mother, who had breast cancer, to go to a top doctor. He was amazing like that. He is amazing like that. That is the tough part of this . . . this black-and-white thing . . . life isn’t like that.’
She is still in touch with Weinstein
Though when asked about his state of mind, she said: ‘Clearly when I was married to him I didn’t know anything about his state of mind, so I’m probably not the best person to ask.’
She’s been seeing a therapist
‘At first I couldn’t, because I was too shocked. And I somehow felt that I didn’t deserve it. And then I realized: This has happened. I have to own it. I have to move forward. There was a part of me that was terribly naive—clearly, so naive. I have moments of rage, I have moments of confusion, I have moments of disbelief! And I have moments when I just cry for my children. What are their lives going to be? What are people going to say to them? It’s like, they love their dad. They love him. I just can’t bear it for them!’
Personal life
It seemed that the personal life of the pair was ideal. Perhaps everything was so developed thanks to the marriage contract, according to which Chapman received good retreats in the event of a cheating of the spouse. But as a later designer spoke in an interview, she always thought that Harvey was an excellent husband and father.
Nevertheless, when more than 90 women declared sexual harassment and violence from the film producer, Georgina decided to leave her husband. The cheating of the spouse became the personal reputation of Chapman and the image of her brand clothes. In 2019, it became known that the fashion desires is a romantic relationship with actor Adrian Broad. The pair does not comment on its connection.
Georgina has a personal account in «Instagram». The profile regularly appears a photo of new models from Marchesa, as well as personal pictures Chapman. Periodically, it demonstrates to the Follover, an accurate figure in a swimsuit. It seems that time does not affect the external data of women. As in his youth, it looks attractive and taped. The growth of the designer is 179 cm, and the weight is 58 kg.
Traditionally, journalists are often discussed for glossy publications, whether Georgina plastic did. But, judging by the photo, if any interventions were carried out, they wore a cosmetology.
A Wealthy Past
Georgina Chapman was born on April 14, 1976, in London, England, making her age 41. She was born to Caroline Wonfor, a journalist, and Brian Chapman, a multimillionaire entrepreneur who owns Percol, the organic coffee company.
She grew up in a pretty privileged in the posh Richmond area in South West London, right along the river Thames and laced with upscale and eclectic shops. Chapman went to Marlborough College in Wiltshire, and lived in the famous Shepherd’s Bush apartments.
The beautiful young woman was worthy of gracing any magazine cover, and this led to her appearances in some commercials while in her 20s. She was seen in a Head & Shoulders ad campaign, as well as a couple music videos for the band, Pulp.
Жизнь и карьера
Чепмен родился в Лондоне, Англия, дочери Кэролайн Вонфор, журналистки, и Брайан Чепмен, совладелец кофейной компании Percol. Чепмен вырос в Ричмонд, юго-запад Лондона. Чепмен присутствовал Мальборо Колледж в Уилтшире. В свои 20 лет Чепмен снялась в рекламе Голова и плечи, шампунь от перхоти и один для леденцов от горла. Чепмен познакомился с будущим деловым партнером Керен Крейг, когда они учились в Колледж искусств и дизайна Челси. Чепмен окончил Уимблдонская школа искусств в 2001 году и начала свою карьеру в качестве художник по костюмам. После окончания школы Чепмен появлялась в различных телешоу и фильмах.
В 2004 году она и Крейг запустили Marchesa, названный в честь светской львицы Маркеса Луиза Касати. Среди инвесторов — Джузеппе Чиприани и Стив Уиткофф. В 2006 году лейбл был назван одним из CFDA / Vogue Fashion Fund’s 10 лучших финалистов. По данным 2015 г. Sunday Times Богатый список Состояние Чепмена составляет 15 миллионов фунтов стерлингов. С 2012 по 2019 год Чепмен был судьей Подиум проекта: Все звезды.
В мае 2019 года дизайн Чепмена для вечернего платья был представлен в 2019 году. Met Gala в Нью-Йорке, как носит голливудская актриса Констанс Ву на взлетно-посадочной полосе и лестничной клетке для мероприятия.
Джорджина Чапман (Georgina Chapman)
Возраст: 48
Джорджина Роуз Чапман (Georgina Chapman). Родилась 14 апреля 1976 года в Лондоне (Англия). Британская актриса, певица, модельер и фотомодель. Бывшая жена продюсера Харви Вайнштейна.
Джорджина Чапман родилась 14 апреля 1976 года в городе Лондон.
В 1989 году Джорджина организовала свою музыкальную группу «Jesus and Mary Jane».
Сниматься в кино начала с 2001 года.
В 2003 году сыграла в приключенческом боевике «Шанхайские рыцари».
В 2004 году, вместе с Керен Крейг, Джорджина основала фэшн-лейбл «Marchesa».
В 2005 году исполнила роль Кэнди в триллере «Цена измены». Фильм рассказывает о Чарльзе Шайне, он типичный обыватель, но стабильная семейная жизнь с женой-учительницей Диной потихоньку размывает почву под ногами. Поэтому случайное знакомство в электричке с красавицей Люсиндой быстро превращается в роман, который получает свое продолжение в гостиничном номере, снятом «голубками» для любовных утех.
В 2007 году снялась в картине «Наркоз» в роли Пенни Карвер. Центром сюжета фильма является Клэй, он сын богатых родителей и талантливый бизнесмен, продолжающий дело покойного отца вместе со своей матерью. Однако у него слабое сердце, врачи рекомендуют ему немедленно ложиться на операцию по пересадке. Несмотря ни на что, его подруга Сэм верит в удачный исход и с радостью принимает его предложение выйти за него замуж. Вскоре окрыленный женитьбой Клэй погружается в наркоз, во время которого его душа выходит из тела и узнает, что благодаря стараниями некоторых личностей обратно она может не вернуться.
Джорджина Чапман в фильме «Наркоз»
Рост Джорджины Чапман: 179 сантиметров.
Личная жизнь Джорджины Чапман:
15 декабря 2007 года вышла замуж за продюсера Харви Вайнштейна. В 2017 году ушла от него в связи с появившимися в прессе данными о сексуальных домогательствах её мужа к другим женщинам. По брачному контракту она должна получить по 400 тысяч долларов за каждый год, прожитый в браке с Вайнштейном, не учитывая алиментов на детей.
У них есть двое детей — дочь Индия Пёрл Вайнштейн (род. 30.08.2010) и сын Дашиэлл Макс Роберт Вайнштейн (род. 11.04.2013).
Джорджина Чапман и Харви Вайнштейн
В марте 2020 года появилась информация, что Джорджина Чапман завела романтические отношения с актером Эдрианом Броуди.
Фильмография Джорджины Чапман:
2003 — Сыновья и любовники (Sons & Lovers)
2003 — Шанхайские рыцари (Shanghai Knights)
2004 — Джим с Пиккадилли (Piccadilly Jim)
2004 — Невеста и предрассудки (Bride & Prejudice)
2005 — Дэнни Цепной пес (Danny the Dog)
2005 — Конкретный бизнес (Business)
2005 — Матч Пойнт (Match Point)
2005 — Цена измены (Derailed) — Кэнди
2006 — Я соблазнила Энди Уорхола (Factory Girl) — эпизод
2007 — Грайндхаус (Grindhouse)
2007 — Дневники няни (Nanny Diaries) — эпизод
2007 — Наркоз (Awake) — Пенни Карвер
последнее обновление информации: 06.03.2020
Сбор информации, авторская обработка, систематизация, структурирование, обновление: администрация сайта stuki-druki.com.
Is Harvey Weinstein still married?
Before wedding Georgina Chapman, Weinstein married his former assistant, Eve Chilton in 1987. The pair had three daughters together, Remy (who was born Lily), Emma, and Ruth. The couple ultimately split in 2004, but he began dating up-and-coming designer Chapman in 2003.
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Chapman was based in her native London at the time when they started seeing one another, and Weinstein often made the trip across the pond to watch her fashion shows. He generally brought actors with him, which further exposed the fashion line.
One of her big breaks was when Renee Zellweger wore a Marchesa dress to the 2004 premiere of Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason.
Source: Getty
Marchesa co-founder Karen Craig, Renee Zellweger, and Georgina Chapman at the ‘Bridget Jon: Edge of Reason’ premiere.
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Following Marchesa’s breakout success, Chapman moved full-time to New York City, and she wed Weinstein in 2007. The couple went on to have daughter India and son Dashiell together. It was later reported that Weinstein would pressure actresses to wear Marchesa gowns to premieres and award shows.
Though there were whispers about Weinstein’s behavior, the allegations against him were fully exposed in October of 2017 after The New York Times and The New Yorker published exposés.
Shortly after the news went public, Chapman announced that she was filing for divorce from the producer.
«My heart breaks for all the women who have suffered tremendous pain because of these unforgivable actions. I have chosen to leave my husband,» she exclusively told People on Oct. 10, 2017. «Caring for my young children is my first priority and I ask the media for privacy at this time.»
Their divorce was finalized by the end of 2017, with Chapman reportedly receiving an 8-figure settlement.
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Красавица Чапман и чудовище Вайнштейн
Джорджина Чапман – дочь влиятельного бизнесмена Брайана Чапмана и успешный модельер. В платья Чапман обожали наряжаться ведущие актрисы Голливудских холмов. Бренд Marchesa имел головокружительный успех, наряды отличались утонченным стилем, элегантностью и роскошью. Пробовала Джорджина себя и в актерской профессии, но в 2007 году решила полностью посвятить себя дизайну вечерней и свадебной одежды.
Харви Вайнштейн и дизайнер Джорджина Чапман на церемонии вручения премии ‘Оскар’ в Голливуде, 24 февраля 2013 г.
Чапман познакомилась с Харви в 2003 году. Была ли это любовь с первого взгляда? Со стороны Харви, определенно – да, а вот Джорджина была несколько осторожна. Да и многие крутили пальцем у виска, задаваясь одним единственным вопросом: «Зачем такой красавице связывать себя с таким чудовищем?». Тогда о том, что Харви секс-маньяк никто не знал (кроме его многочисленных жертв), а слово «чудовище» было адресовано в сторону специфической внешности Вайнштейна. Симпатичным его назвать язык не повернется, – внешность, мягко говоря, на любителя. Но, видимо, финасовый вопрос никто не отменял, и Джорджина решила, что Харви – удачная партия.
Модель Хайди Клум, Харви Вайнштейн, Ума Турман и Дезире Грубер на вечеринке The Weinstein Company и Netflix 2014 в Беверли-Хиллз, 12 января 2014 г.
Джорджина вышла замуж за Харви в 2007 году. Свадьба была роскошной, Чапман не скрывала своего счастья: за 10 лет супружеской жизни пара не была замечена в скандалах или недовольстве друг другом. Казалось, что они счастливы, как никто и это будет продолжаться вечно. В браке у Джорджины и Харви родилось двое детей – дочь Индия и сын Дашиэлл.
Керен Крейг и Джорджина Чапман на шоу Marchesa во время Недели моды в Нью-Йорке 13 сентября 2017 г.Керен Крейг и Джорджина Чапман на шоу Marchesa во время Недели моды в Нью-Йорке 13 сентября 2017 г.
Some Reason Behind their Divorce
Over the past week, I’ve caused a lot of trouble for my loved ones, and I feel responsible for all of it. The one person I love more than anything in the world, my wife Georgina, and I sat down and spoke about our options as a family.
I told her to follow her heart and that I understood the possibility of a breakup. He had said, “I get it, I love her, I love our kids, and I hope to be back in their life as soon as I can.”
In the wake of the breakup, Chapman began dating Oscar winner Adrien Brody, and in June, the two made their romance public on the red carpet at the Tribeca Film Festival. In February, gossip began spreading that the two were an item.
Weinstein was found guilty of rape in the third degree and criminal sexual assault in the first degree in the same month. To serve his time in prison, he must serve 23 years. From what we’ve heard, he’ll soon be extradited from New York to California to face more charges related to those rape and assault allegations.
Chapman on Whether She Suspected Anything With Weinstein
Chapman was asked whether she and Weinstein had a good marriage. “That’s what makes this so incredibly painful: I had what I thought was a very happy marriage,» she said. «I loved my life.» She claims she was never suspicious about his behavior. “Absolutely not. Never,” she said, especially because she knew he traveled constantly for work. “And I’ve never been one of those people who obsesses about where someone is.”
Chapman is in regular contact with Weinstein because of the divorce, money, and kids. Van Meter asked if Chapman could say anything about Weinstein’s state of mind now. She rolled her eyes when answering: “Well, not really. Clearly when I was married to him I didn’t know anything about his state of mind, so I’m probably not the best person to ask.”
Chapman doesn’t consider herself a victim, though, or want to be seen that way. “I don’t want to be viewed as a victim because I don’t think I am,» she said. «I am a woman in a shit situation, but it’s not unique.”
Georgina Chapman’s Fashion Journey
Chapman attended Chelsea College of Art and Design and graduated from its affiliate, Wimbledon College of Arts. While in school, she met Keren Craig, who would later collaborate with her to found Marchesa. She continued to appear in some films and TV shows after graduating.
It was in 2004 that Chapman got together with her friend and business partner to found the high-end, Marchesa. The label quickly became a sensation in the fashion world, and the name spread like wildfire.
The brand was named after a socialite from Italy, Marchesa Luisa Casati, who was known for her eclectic taste in fashion during the formative years of the industry from the late 1800s to mid-1900s.
Investors Giuseppe Cipriani and Steve Witkoff were more than elated when the brand made its way to Vogue Fashion Fund’s top 10 list just two years after its inception.
Their bridal wear collections are highly awaited every season, and with a clear definition of edgy yet feminine couture, Marchesa stuns crowds at every fashion week. Their gowns are the most sought after for red carpet events, and have been adorned by the likes of Michelle Obama, Sofia Vergara, Kate Middleton, Nicole Kidman, and more.
The success of the label is what put Chapman on the map, and she went on to do more TV shows throughout the 2000s. If you have ever watched Project Runway All Stars, you’d know about Chapman and her influence in the world of fashion.
- Подиум проекта: Все звезды (2012–2019) в качестве судьи
- Сплетница (2009) как она сама
- Бодрствующий (2007) как Пенни Карвер Эллиот
- Дневники няни (2007) как модница TriBeCa
- Не надо — Поддельный трейлер между Планетный террор и Доказательство смерти в Grindhouse (2007)
- Заводская Девушка (2006) как интервьюер
- Проект Подиум (2006) Телесериал, как она сама, приглашенный участник дискуссии в сезоне 1, эпизод 9
- Сошел с рельсов (2005) как Candy
- Бизнес (2005) как Карли
- Пункт совпадения (2005) как коллега Нола
- Дэнни собака (2005) как шлюха 1
- Земановалоад (2005) как Дженна
- Розмарин и тимьян в роли Селии Ллевеллин (1 эпизод, 2004)
- Невеста и предубеждение (2004) как Энн
- Солдатская туника (2004) как Кэтрин Крэнборн
- Пикадилли Джим (2004) как Конни 1
- Шанхайские рыцари (2003) как дебютантка
- Сыновья и любовники (2003) (ТВ) как Луи
- Джеффри Арчер: Правда (2002) (ТВ) в качестве секретаря
- Желание (2001) как Ева
Georgina Chapman
Meet Georgina Chapman; she is the stunning British fashion designer co-founder of Marchesa. In addition to that, Mrs. Chapman happens to be the second wife of Academy Award-winning producer Harvey Weinstein.
As we all know Georgina Chapman is the second wife of Harvey Weinstein; he first married Eve Chilton in 1987; they had three daughters Lily, Emma, and Ruth; they divorced in 2004.
Harvey and Georgina got married in 2007. She gave birth to their daughter India Pearl, on August 30, 2010; they welcomed their son Dashiell Max Robert on April 11, 2013.
Georgina started dating Harvey in 2005; he proposed in November 2007, and they said “I Do” on Saturday, December 15, 2007; at his waterfront Connecticut estate.
Pretty Georgina Chapman, wаѕ born Georgina Rose Chapman оn April 14, 1976, in London, England, thе daughter оf Caroline Wonfor, a journalist, аnd Brian Chapman, a multi-millionaire businessman аnd owner оf thе organic coffee company Percol. Chapman grew uр in Richmond, west London. Her brother Edward serves as chief executive of Marchesa.
She attended Marlborough College in Wiltshire; thе ѕаmе prestigious public school аѕ Kate Middleton. As a matter of fact, Middleton аnd Chapman wеrе twо оf dozen women Thе Telegraph cited whеn it characterized thе School аѕ “a seed bеd fоr grooming alpha consorts.” In college, ѕhе lived in a Shepherd’s Bush flat.
In hеr twenties, Chapman was a spokesmodel for Head & Shoulders аnd Soothers ads аѕ wеll аѕ music videos fоr Brit Pop band Pulp. Chapman mеt future partner Keren Craig, whilе thеу wеrе bоth students аt Chelsea College оf Art аnd Design.
Georgina graduated frоm Wimbledon School оf Art in 2001; subsequently, started hеr career аѕ a costume designer. Aftеr graduation, Chapman appeared in vаriоuѕ television shows аnd films.
Furthermore, in 2004, ѕhе аnd Craig launched Marchesa, named аftеr socialite Marchesa Luisa Casati. Investors оf thе brand include Giuseppe Cipriani аnd Steve Witkoff.
Eventually, in 2006, thе label wаѕ named оnе оf thе CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund’s top tеn finalists. In 2010, ѕhе wаѕ named in Tatler’s top 10 best-dressed list. Aссоrding tо thе “Sunday Timеѕ Rich List 2014,” Georgina Chapman iѕ worth £15 million. In 2012, Chapman wаѕ a judge оn Project Runway: All Stars. Shе continues in thаt role fоr thе 2013 season аnd 2014 season.
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Бойкот Marchesa и затворничество Джорджины
Но в 2017 году семейную идиллию нарушили десятки откровений голливудских актрис. Ума Турман, Кара Делевинь, Роуз МакГоун, Анджелина Джоли, Леа Сейду, Розанна Аркетт, Кейт Бекинсейл, Гвинет Пэлтроу, Эшли Джадд, Ева Грин, Кейт Бланшетт, Хизер Грэм… Список не полный, но даже он отображает насколько Харви перешел черту. Сразу после скандальных заявлений Чапман публично открестилась от своего мужа, подала на развод и стала затворницей.
Харви Вайнштейн предстает перед судом Манхэттена, 9 июля 2018 г. Вайнштейну, ранее арестованному за сексуальное насилие против двух обвинителей, было предъявлено обвинение по трем новым обвинениям, включая преступный половой акт и сексуальное нападение с участием третьей обвиняемой женщины.
Тогда же Джорджина попросила СМИ не беспокоить ее, поскольку больше никаких комментарий она давать не хотела. Это и понятно, ситуация была невероятно болезненной и сложной. Кажется, что ты все знаешь о человеке, с которым прошел множество испытаний, а он оказался совершенно не тем, за кого себя выдавал….
Модельер перестала выходить в свет, не давала никаких комментариев по поводу происходящего и за пять дней сбросила 5 кг.
Харви Вайнштейн покидает суд Нью-Йорка после слушания по делу об освобождении под залог, 6 декабря 2019 г.
Из-за масштаба обвинений многие не верили, что Джорджина ничего не знала о происходящем, и на женщину началось тотальное давление со стороны общества и прессы. Знаменитости считали Чапман сообщницей продюсера, многие от нее отвернулись. Шла тотальная травля модельера, но она считала не вправе защищаться и объявить, что новости были восприняты ей очень болезненно. Единицы знают, сколько слез выплакала Джорджина. Женщина отказалась присутствовать на судебных заседаниях, поскольку ей было невыносимо больно смотреть на мужа, столько лет обманывавшего ее.
Харви Вайнштейн выходит из здания суда в Нью-Йорке, 6 января 2020 г. Бывший кинопродюсер, не признал себя виновным по пяти пунктам изнасилования и сексуального насилия в отношении двух неназванных женщин и ему грозит пожизненное заключение.
В одночасье бренд Marchesa стал ассоциироваться со скандалом. Считалось, что носить их не этично и даже грязно. Позже всплыла информация, что Вайнштейн с помощью угроз и шантажа заставлял актрис появляться на красных дорожках именно в платьях Marchesa. Джорджине пришлось отменить показ Marchesa на Неделе моды в Нью-Йорке в 2018 году.
Но были и те, кто сочувствовал Чапман и даже пытался поддерживать ее бренд. Первой, кто осмелилась появиться на публике в наряде Marchesa, стала Скарлетт Йоханссон. Это случилось на бале института костюма Met Gala 2018. Именно это событие во многом задает тон на наряды. Скарлетт публично заявила, что не видит смысла бойкотировать бренд:
Харви Вайнштейн в суде во время досудебного слушания по делу Вайнштейна в Лос-Анджелесе, 29 июля 2021 г. Вайнштейну предъявлены обвинения в нескольких изнасилованиях, связанных с инцидентами 2004–2013 годов с участием пяти женщин.
Примеру Йоханссон вскоре последовали и другие актрисы. Вскоре в Голливуде с Marchesa и Чапман были сняты ярлыки non grata Но прошел еще почти год молчания прежде чем Чапман дала интервью:
Джорджина искренне считала, что Харви был идеальным мужем и отцом, она и в мыслях не могла предположить, что он ей изменяет: